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Catalyst: 1. Draw a picture of the atom. Label its parts

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1 Catalyst: 1. Draw a picture of the atom. Label its parts
Thursday, September 18, 2014

WS 1.6- Isotope Exploration Office Hours tonight

3 From yesterday AGENDA: Catalyst (5) HW check (1) Quiz (10) Video (2)
Notes (10) Models (5) Lab Wrap-Up (5) Writing analysis/conclusion s (5) Announcements (2) Exit Slip (2) Particle Charge Mass (AMU) Location Proton + 1 Nucleus Electron - 1/1837 ≈ 0 Electron Cloud Neutron 1.002 ≈ 1

4 New vocabulary! Atomic Number: The number of protons in an atom
AGENDA: Catalyst (5) HW check (1) Quiz (10) Video (2) Notes (10) Models (5) Lab Wrap-Up (5) Writing analysis/conclusion s (5) Announcements (2) Exit Slip (2) Atomic Number: The number of protons in an atom Atoms are neutral, so: # Protons = # electrons Create a neutral atom of Hydrogen Oxygen Fluorine

5 Objectives! Objectives:
AGENDA: Catalyst (5) Book check out (2) Notes (5) Isotope Activity (15) Writing analysis/conclusion s (10) Announcements (2) Exit Slip (2) September 18, 2014 Notes 1.7 Objectives: 1. SWBAT define neutrality and explain neutrality of ATOMS 2. SWBAT define isotopes and apply isotopic notation.

6 Mass Number Atomic Number # of protons + neutrons
NOT ON periodic table Element symbol Use atomic # (# of protons) to find it on the periodic table Atomic Number # of protons Top of periodic table

7 Isotope Activity Discover WHAT exactly an isotope is.
AGENDA: Catalyst (5) Book check out (2) Notes (5) Isotope Activity (15) Writing analysis/conclusion s (10) Announcements (2) Exit Slip (2) Discover WHAT exactly an isotope is. Please get out WS 1.6 You will have 20 min to work through the exploration with your group.

8 For atoms 1 & 2: For atoms 3 & 4: Black: Protons Red/orange: Protons Yellow: Neutrons Clear pink: neutrons Green: Electrons

9 With your group… Decide what your definition of an isotope is!
AGENDA: Catalyst (5) Book check out (2) Notes (5) Isotope Activity (15) Writing analysis/conclusion s (10) Announcements (2) Exit Slip (2) Decide what your definition of an isotope is! BE READY TO SHARE!

10 So what is an isotope? AGENDA: Catalyst (5) Book check out (2) Notes (5) Isotope Activity (15) Writing analysis/conclusion s (10) Announcements (2) Exit Slip (2) Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

WS 1.6- Isotope Exploration Office Hours tonight

12 Exit Slip 1. In two isotopes of the same element, the number of protons is… (the same/different) 2. In two isotopes of the same element, the number of electrons is… (the same/different) 3. In two isotopes of the same element, the number of neutrons is… (the same/different) 4. Do isotopes of the same element have different mass numbers or atomic numbers? (Mass #/Atomic #)

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