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Lesson 38: Do USA parties defy political logic?

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1 Lesson 38: Do USA parties defy political logic?
Aim: To begin to assess whether Democrats and Republicans are ideologically distinct

2 Democrat or Republican?
More needs to be spent on social welfare programmes We agree with rights for gays & lesbians Gun control should be introduced Prayer should take place in public (state) schools More should be spent on defence Taxes should be cut We have a ‘get tough’ attitude to criminals & crime Women should have a right to abortion We agree with the death penalty

3 IDEOLOGY A collectively held set of ideas and beliefs
CONSERVATIVE - A view that seeks to defend the political, economic and social status quo and therefore tends to oppose changes in the institutions and structures of society. LIBERAL - A view that seeks to change the political, economic and social status quo in favour of the well being, rights and liberties of the individual, and especially those who are generally disadvantaged by society

4 Defying or Conforming to
political logic? Democrat and Republican Party Platforms / Laptops / ICT/ A3 table Determine the position each of the main parties take on Law and Order, Healthcare, Taxes, Foreign policy and Economy – complete table fully

5 Party Issues: Divisions between the Democrats and Republicans
Policy Issue Democrats Republicans Law and order/ Gun control Healthcare Economy and Taxes Foreign Policy/ National Security Civil Rights / Immigration

6 Homework 1- Judgement Explain the issues that have created the deepest divisions between the two major parties since 2008. Identify(ao1) 4 policy issues that played/continue to play a significant role in polarisation of the two parties. Determine through use of relevant/current specific examples(ao2) the extent of division made between Democrats and Republicans for each policy issue Consider consolidation of a range of examples in specific policy issues to justify ranking of issues Link back(ao2) continuously to the question focus after each example – ‘deepest divisions’ / ‘distinct differences’ Concluding sentence to present greatest policy issue

7 Assess the accuracy of this statement
Homework 2- Judgement US parties defy political logic. With few differences between them, each party is a vast coalition of policies with little, if any, distinct ideologies. Assess the accuracy of this statement Balanced response - 4 policy areas and specific examples(ao2) to justify each view Refer to L34 – history of parties to further consolidate/challenge examples identified Link back(ao2) continuously to the question focus after each example – how accurate? Do they defy political logic? Do they have distinct policies? Concluding sentence to argue YOUR overall view

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