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T i m e Unit2 What time is it?.

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1 T i m e Unit2 What time is it?

2 Loading…

3 Guess Text MENU Words Practice Homework

4 What is it? Guess ! Guess riddle 猜一猜 Clock!
Text It goes tick-tock tick-tock.. It can tell us time. What is it? Guess ! 究竟是什么呢?猜猜吧! Words Practice Homework

5 What time is it? Let’s listen to a song! 听一听。 Guess Text Words
Practice Let’s listen to a song! 听一听。 Homework

6 Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock time.
Guess Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock time. Text Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock time. Words What time is it? One two three four five oˊclock. Practice One two three four five oˊclock. Homework

7 Text

8 Words Guess Text Words Practice What’s the time ,please? Homework

9 get up. Guess Text It’s six o’clock. Words Time to (到…时间了) Practice

10 get up 起床 eg. I get up at six o ˊ clock every morning. 用get up造一个句子。
Guess get up 起床 Text eg. I get up at six o ˊ clock every morning. Words 我每天6点起床。 Practice 用get up造一个句子。 Homework

11 It’s seven o’clock. Time to go to school. Guess Text Words Practice

12 eg. We go to school at 7 o ˊ clock.
Guess Text go to school 上学 Words eg. We go to school at 7 o ˊ clock. 我们7点钟去学校。 Practice Homework

13 It’s nine o’clock. Time for English class. Guess Text Words Practice
Homework Time for English class.

14 It’s twelve o’clock. Time to Guess Text Words Practice have lunch.

15 It’s four o’clock. Guess Time to go home. Text Words Practice Homework

16 go home 回家 eg. Let ˊs go home. Guess Text Words Practice 让我们回家吧。

17 It’s nine o’clock. Time to Guess Text Words Practice go to bed.

18 Read and Write one two three four five 1 2 3 4 5 six seven eight nine
Guess one two three four five 1 2 3 4 5 Text six seven eight nine ten Words 6 7 8 9 10 What time is it ? Practice 现在几点了? It’s two o’clock . Homework 两点了。

19 Let‘s check

20 Guess Text Words Practice Homework

21 1 A. Go to bed B. Go to school B. Go to school C. Have lunch Guess
Am7:00 Guess Text Words A. Go to bed B. Go to school Practice B. Go to school Homework C. Have lunch

22 2 A. Have dinner B. Go to bed C. Have lunch C. Have lunch Guess Text
Am12:00 Guess Text Words A. Have dinner Practice B. Go to bed C. Have lunch Homework C. Have lunch

23 3 nine It’s ___o’clock. go to bed It’s time to _____. Guess Text Words
Practice It’s ___o’clock. nine Homework It’s time to _____. go to bed

24 Let’s watch a video. Guess Text Words Practice Homework

25 Role play 角色扮演 It’s a clock. Guess What time is it, Gogo? Text
It’s ten o’clock. What’s that? Words Practice Homework

26 Jenny: It’s a clock. What time is it,Gogo? Text
Guess Gogo: What’s that? Jenny: It’s a clock. What time is it,Gogo? Text Gogo: It’s ten oˊclock. Words Jenny: That’s right. It’s ten o’clock. Practice Gogo: What time is it,Jenny? Homework Jenny: It’s……

27 Homework: Make a time table for yourself. 为你自己制作一张时间表。 Guess Text Time
Time to … get up go to school have lunch go home watch TV go to bed Words Practice Homework

28 TNANK YOU Time By: 吴 仪

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