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Lunar data preparation for FY-2

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1 Lunar data preparation for FY-2
Lin Chen National Meteorological Satellite Center Acknowledgement: Sébastien Wagner(EUMETSAT);Xi Shao(NOAA) Scott Hu; Lu Zhang (CMA) Nov. 13~16, 2017, Xi'an, China

2 Outline FY2/S-VISSR Intruduction
Answer to Questionnaire On Lunar Data Preparation FY2E Lunar calibration results by GIRO Comparison with DCCs method

3 1. FY2/S-VISSR Intruduction
Satellite Launch Time Application Status & Main Characteristics FY-2A 1st subseries: experiment satellite Main detection functions are validated Partial kernel techniques are conquered FY-2B FY-2C 2nd subseries: operational satellite Space & ground systems are steadily established Primary quantitative applications are realized FY-2D FY-2E FY-2F 3rd subseries: operational satellite Straylight improment FY2G

4 FY2/S-VISSR Sensor Specification
Spectral bands 5 bands including 1 VIS band and 4 IR bands Resolution 1.25km for VIS 5km for IR Earth scan angle 20°*20° Scan sampling 10000 scan for VIS band 2500 scan for IR bands Scan time 0.6s Quantization 6bit for VIS(0~63) 10bit for IR(0~1064) IFGOV 35urad for VIS 140urad for IR There is a big improvement for FY2F VIS band. The SRF is more narrow and move to shorter wavelength with less absorption. Four detectors of FY2F VIS band are Consistent FY2 SRF: FY2 MTF: to be presented in the coming 2nd workshop

5 FY2 VIS Band Calibration
No on-board calibrator Vicarious calibration : Deep Convective Clouds Gobi desert on Dunhuang Deep space Quadratic responsivity correction DN convert to Voltage(non-linear) Voltage convert to radiance/reflectance(linear)

6 Answer to Questionnaire On Lunar Data Preparation
1. How is the Moon located in the image? Moon acquisition Free moon randomly transits across the FY2 Field of view Manoeuver by sub-area scan scheme Phase angle range random by free moon( we can select -92o ~ 92o data for analysis) according to the manoeuver scheme FY2E and FY 2G Lunar L1alpha data in netCDF format available To be provided to GLOD if approved by CMA

7 Free moon randomly transits across the FY2 Field of view

8 Manoeuver by sub-area scan scheme

9 2.How is the extraction performed?
Principe:Using the IR band and image processing algorithom for extraction the moon from the full disk images: (1) set DN>threshold to 0; DN<=threshold to 1; (2) Find the maximum number of element(must be the earth),set to 0; (3) Find the second maximum number of element(the moon), set the rest elements to 0; (4) An imagette is set to 404 by 404 pixels

10 3. At what level of processing is the image data extracted
Not the original native format. It is a format between native format and L1B. For the free moon oversampling correction has been done alignment has not been done For the manoeuver method alignment has been done(moon motion compensated)

11 Integration of all imagette pixels
4.How are the Moon pixels selected/integrated? 5. Calculation of the total irradiance Integration of all imagette pixels Substraction of the averaged space view counts plus all pixels Ω: Sample solid angle : calibrated each pixel radiance at (i,j) image coordinate : calibrated space view radiance at (i,j) image coordinate

12 over-sampling consideration
a.How is the over-sampling determined? What is the actual value? The over-sampling correction for FY2 lunar data have been done. So the value of over-sampling we set 1; b.Does the over-sampling vary in time? Yes. It vary from 1.27 ~ 1.33 for FY2 sensor for different pixels. c.How is the pixel IFOV determined? The IFOV is one of the instrument parameters that given by the manufacturer. And for FY2, it is a single detector. Time Measured Size Physical Size Oversampling 2015/02/05 05:21 4.71E-05 2015/02/05 06:00 4.67E-05

13 6.Screening: what is the threshold for the distance from the Moon image to the Earth limb
Not considered yet. The lunar extraction algorithm run automaticly and the lunar imagette contaminated by the earth scene will be removed manually. Earth

14 7. What is the deep space offset and dark signal level
7. What is the deep space offset and dark signal level? How is it determined? We choose the 10 marginal lines of each sides for calculating the dark signals.

15 8. Are there known issues with straylight or cross-talk?
For FY2E, there is heavy straylight effect and it is not homogenous which will great affect the results. Due to the straylight restrained improvement of FY2G, the straylight effect is much lower than FY2E. FY2G FY2E FY2E FY2G

16 9. How are the Moon imaging time and the spacecraft position determined?
Two Line Elements of Satellites JPL ephemeris (DE421) SGP4/SDP4 SPICE Position of Satellite in ECI J2000 Frame The parameters of instrument onboard Satellite Position of lunar, Solar and Earth Satellite in ECI J2000 Frame The lunar observations (time and position of satellite)

17 3. FY2 Lunar calibration results by GIRO Comparison with DCCs method
Annual drift Total drift Moon 1.96% 9.2% DCC 1.72% 8.1% Linear fitting regression(f) is used here to get the instrument degradation

18 Thanks

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