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俄罗斯名画欣赏 (下).

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1 俄罗斯名画欣赏 (下)

2 'Portrait of Ekaterina II‘ (1766)
'Portrait of Peter III‘ (1762)





7 Look at this painting! It illustrates the rootedness of Russian Orthodoxy. Greek Orthodoxy (and the other smaller groups, too) is rooted just as solidly. Russian Orthodoxy has always been more “multi-cultural” than any other expression of Orthodoxy. Many peoples, many languages, and many expressions of faith are found within it. Can you believe that the Syosset apparat is passing the lie that the MP is going to dismiss all American-born priests? What utter delusion and prelest! Which would you want to belong to? A world-wide, powerful, and vibrant Church of many nationalities or to an impotent sect that limits itself to one ethnos and one region?

8 by O. O. Kokel  [Алексея Афанасьевича Кокеля] (1880 - 1956).

9 The Unity of the Russian People [Mikhail Khmelko, 1948]

10 Capture of a French regiment's eagle by the cavalry of the Russian guard at Austerlitz

11 Russian Bride's Attire - Konstantin Makovsky Russian Oil Paintings Exhibition

12 Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich (1848 — 1926)

13 Boim, Solomon Boris Olshansky. Berendei. 1997

14 The life-asserting power and beauty of images created by Zinaida Serebriakova ascend to the best traditions of Russian and West European realistic art; whereas her pure and crystal-clear talent was inherited from the famous artistic dynasty of the Lanceray-Benois that she belonged to. Her all-embracing love of art and her native land with its infinite expanses and simple people from times immemorial living and working on it, determined the spiritual essence of the creative path of this outstanding artist.

15 Peasant Woman Sleeping. 1917

16 Ivan Kulikov. Vesting the Bride. 1907
Art and Faith Vladimir Aleksandrov. In the Village. 2005

17 'Portrait of Mariya Andreevna Rumyanceva' (1764)
'Portrait of Peter I' (1770)

18 Bogatov Nikolay ( )

19 Artist Sergey Kirillov (Rus). "Execuion of Russian rebbel Stepan Razin".
Zinaida Serebryakova. A Portrait of Graf Platon Zubov. 1956

20 19th century Russian painting of the Haitian Revolt

21 Russian Oil Painting C. Westchiloff (1877-1945)

22 Sergei Vasilkovsky. A Cossack Village. no date (1880s-90s?)

23 Russian Village, 1881 Oil on canvas Saratov Art Museum, Russia From


25 Ilya Repin, Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire, State Russian Museum

26 Russov (Volkov) Aleksandr Bought for the harem, 1891
Russian Dancer

27 Russian painting Borisgodunov

28 The defence of the Troitse–Sergiyeva Lavra by Russian soldiers and Orthodox . Painting by Sergey Miloradovich.

29 Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin,
by Mikhail Scotti

30 The Poles surrender the Moscow Kremlin to Prince Pozharsky in 1612
The Poles surrender the Moscow Kremlin to Prince Pozharsky in Painting by Ernest Lissner

31 Last minutes of False Dmitriy I by Karl Wenig, painted in 1879
False Dmitriy and king Sigismund III Vasa by Nikolai Nevrev (1874)

32 Apollinary Vasnetsov. A Court of a Russian Feudal Prince. undated
Russian gold khohloma technique

33 THE END 李常生 Eddie Lee Photos: From internet Taipei
Salute to the artists of the whole world. 谨向全世界的艺术家致敬。 THE END

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