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EBA CLEARING M-PEDD TWG Meeting 20th June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "EBA CLEARING M-PEDD TWG Meeting 20th June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 EBA CLEARING M-PEDD TWG Meeting 20th June 2006

2 Technical Working Group Meeting Agenda
Approval of Agenda and minutes M-PEDD BWG follow-up and TWG roadmap Questions and comments on Interface Specifications v0.2 AOB

3 BWG Follow-up New feature: possibility for banks to receive DD instructions either at time of sending or D-5/D-2 BIC Cutover Message key (TransactionID) SDD will not support Entry Point German alternatives timescales: Deferred to a later date

4 Project Aim Creation of a STEP2 Multi Purpose Pan European Direct Debit Service (M-PEDD) That supports but is not limited to the SEPA Direct Debit scheme And in the future: Can be extended for other SEPA Debit services Can support Domestic Debit schemes

5 MPEDD Project requirements
The service must go live by 2008 this implies bank testing starting mid 2007 this in turn requires Central System development beginning July 2006 Bank Participant system development ?Q3 2006 This timing constraint has led to a staged approach In a first stage we gather sufficient information to start Software development. In a second stage we define Service characteristics and peripheral (Browser) software requirements.

6 Central System Development
Project Delivery Software Design Central System Development Bank Development Service Decisions Testing Live Ramp up Strategy 07/06 10/06 12/06 04/07 09/07

7 Service verses Software
Debit products and characteristics Validation (against mandate information, Creditor DB and Interbank Limits) Roll out strategy Business Practices Pricing / Governance / Legal Processing Flow Configuration Options Message Format Information storage Settlement Engine and algorithm Service Software

8 Other Working Group Tasks
In subsequent stages work will also begin on: Business Practices User Documentation Ramp Up Strategy Testing and Acceptance Considerations for Phase 2

9 Documentation Timetable
Applies to Business Requirements and Interface Spec: 21st June latest versions sent to Steering group for information and comment 30th June Steering Group meets 12th July ISO20022 updates come out 28th July Core documents stable and ready to be used for internal software design. Work continues 27th October next version sent to Steering Group 24th November final documents published.


11 TWG Deliverables Interface Specifications v0.2 was released, comments and questions have been collected Following TWG 20th June meeting, V0.3 will be released Version 1.0 will be released after v0.3 review and July 12th new ISO XML Schemas delivery Objective for v0.3 is to clear all issues leaving only XML schemas as possible changes for v1.0

12 Interface Specifications v0.2 Comments and Questions
Tracked through the Excel document (tracking list) Int. Specs Tab : All the typos, clarifications or general editing issues concerning the document XML tab : Issues raised with ISO working group (SWIFT) on the available XML Schemas TWG tab :Issues raised by TWG participants requiring discussions, more details or decision. Some other questions are answered directly to Participants

13 EBA XML Schemas definition
EBA will provide XML Schemas (variant) Follow ISO20022 format whenever possible Allow full length fields even if only a subset of characters is actually used Fields not present (removed from ISO Schema) are forbidden Highlight changes to status or format in italic All BIC are BIC11 but some fields only have BIC8 validation

14 [T1] General questions Entry Points : SDD will not support EP Limits : All system limits (nbr files, bulks, etc) will consist of a set of parameters. Exact numbers are not determined yet. Delays in IDF/DVF processing : Best effort processing but no engagement File retransmission is a system parameter SWIFTNET 6.0 SDD/XCT : Request Types will follow same logic All the Mandate Amendment fields have status Conditional SIANet not supported

15 [T1] Usage of Instructing/Instructed Agent
IDF DVF Field Level Status Instructing Agent Group Header Mandatory Individual Transaction Not Present Instructed Agent Field Level Status Instructing Agent Group Header Not Present Individual Transaction Instructed Agent Instructing Agent IDF DVF BANK STEP2

16 [T1] Usage of Instructing/Instructed Agent
DNF/SDF/CDF Field Level Status Instructing Agent Group Header Not Present Individual Transaction Mandatory Instructed Agent Instructing Agent Instructed Agent DNF/SDF/CDF BANK

17 [T1] Usage of Instructing/Instructed Agent
RSF (Instructing Agent) RSF (Instructed Agent) Field Level Status Instructing Agent Group Header Mandatory Individual Transaction Not Present Instructed Agent Field Level Status Instructing Agent Group Header Not Present Individual Transaction Mandatory Instructed Agent Instructed Agent Instructing Agent RSF BANK1 BANK2

18 [T2] Bulks Creation Rules and Sorting
Bulks are created according to Interbank Settlement Date of the Transaction R-messages bulks follow the same logic Rule also applies to STEP2 generated files Bulks are sorted in a file based on the type of message : Direct Debits Request for Cancellation Rejects Reversals Returns

19 [T3] Duplicate Checking
Comments received from Participants indicate that the uniqueness period should be Instruction’s full lifecycle However this would require Banks to make sure uniqueness keys are not reused Current proposal is : Uniqueness is verified for a single STEP2 business day

20 [T3] Duplicate Checking - Transaction
Keys for Transaction Uniqueness: Transaction ID InterbankSettlementDate Creditor Agent BIC Which ID should be used?

21 [T3] Duplicate Checking – Bulk and Files
Keys for Bulk Uniqueness: Message ID (GroupID) InterbankSettlementDate Instructing Agent Keys for File Uniqueness: Network File Name (Or File Reference?) Reception TimeStamp Sending Institution

22 [T5] BIC Validation and Routing
New proposal from BWG: BIC are validated when instructions are received and not against a future BIC directory or routing table For Post settlement R-messages: STEP2 still does not archive past routing tables or BIC directory so all rejected R-messages become manual handling

23 [T6] Indirect Participants
File size limits and number of files for Indirect Participants are to be defined Separate bulks or files are possible for Indirect Participants as long as bulking/sorting rules are met

24 [T6] Direct/Indirect Participant routing
Message routing is done according to Debtor Agent information available in Debit Request Instructed Agent is the Direct Participant to which the message is routed DEBIT REQUEST TO CENTRAL SYSTEM FROM CENTRAL SYSTEM Instructing Agent Debtor Agent Instructed Agent

25 [T6] Direct/Indirect Participant routing
BIC8 Match? Y If BIC8 is present in DP routing table, message is routed directly to DP N BIC11 Match? Y If BIC11 is present in IP routing table, message is routed to DP N BIC8XXX Match? Y If BIC8+XXX is present in IP routing table, message is routed to DP Note: The Direct Participant is the Instructed Agent of the forwarded Debit Request

26 [T6] Direct/Indirect Participant routing
The Debtor Agent field CAN be either a BIC8 or a BIC11 for a Direct Participant Only the first eight characters of the Debtor Agent are used for the first matching rule (DP) Indirect Participants BIC always exist as BIC11 in the Routing table (as ‘real’ BIC11 or as BIC8XXX) Instructing Agent accepts BIC8 or BIC11 but routing to this Participant (ie. Return or Reject) is done using BIC8 only

27 [T8-T23] Other issues [T8] Alternate Mandate Flow Usage of LocalInstrument Payment Code : AMF and Amount=0 [T9] CreditorID Using CreditorSchemeID instead of CreditorID [T10] IBAN Validation Are IBANs validated to make sure account is in Europe? [T11] Regulatory Reporting Is this structure used in the XML message? Is it optional or mandatory [T12] STEP2 Migration to RBAC [T13] German Timetable Proposal

28 [T8-T23] Other issues [T14]Push and pull Modes Are both modes required? [T15] Errors and File reject Details on configurable maximum number of errors before file is rejected [T16] Rejected DD Are they stored? Can the ID be reused? [T17] New fields for RSF, SDF and CDF Header? Number of Transactions Sum of transactions [T18] Bulk Creation Date and Time Is the field validated against a rule? Can files be generated on non-STEP2 business days?

29 [T8-T23] Other issues [T19] Figures for XMl structure definition Are XML schemas to be published enough or are figures need in the document? [T20] Transaction/Instruction ID/End to EndID Are they all supported? EndtoEndID mandatory? [T21] XML ISO Compliancy Logic is : - Follow ISO20022 format whenever possible - Allow full length fields even if only a subset of characters is actually used - Highlight changes to status or format in italic - All BIC are BIC11 but some fields only have BIC8 validation - EBA will provide XML Schemas - All Id should be 35x - Fields not present (removed from ISO Schema) are forbidden

30 [T8-T23] Other issues [T22] Use different names for DSR and MRR?
[T23] Copy (or functional copy) of the original transaction Still not clear on how to carry the information [T24] Next to being explicit on duplicate check, also have to be explicit on all other validations. E.g. - mandatory fields - reachability (will EBA do routing to other PEACH if debtor bank is not connected to EBA?) - correct values, use of codes (e.g. existing IBAN, existing direct debit type, etc) - AOS for closed community [T25] Multiple occurences of same data InstrdAmount vs InterbankSettlementAmount RequestedCollectionDate vs Interbank Date [T26] No use for Initiating Party, Intermediary Agent


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