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Introduction Ovarian reserve is injured following surgical excision of ovarian endometriomas Garcia-Velasco JA, Somigliana E., Hum Reprod, 2009 Bilateral.

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2 Introduction Ovarian reserve is injured following surgical excision of ovarian endometriomas Garcia-Velasco JA, Somigliana E., Hum Reprod, 2009 Bilateral disease: Surgery: severe impairment of the ovarian reserve and even ovarian failure Busacca M et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006 Somigliana E et al. Hum Reprod 2008 growing consensus  ovarian endometriomas should not be systematically removed in asymptomatic women IVF standard procedure: laparoscopic stripping of the cyst wall

3 Introduction It is unclear whether the presence of ovarian edtomas may be detrimental per se to the ovarian reserve available evidence is conflicting reduced follicular number and activity before surgery in endometriomas compared with teratomas or benign cystadenomas Maneschi F et al., Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993 unoperated women with monolateral endometriomas, the rate of spontaneous ovulation in the affected ovaries is significantly lower Horikawa T, et al., J Assist Reprod Genet 2008 Benaglia L, et al. Hum Reprod 2009

4 Introduction Two articles (2011):
outcome in women with monolateral unoperated endometriomas ovarian responsiveness was similar in the affected and contralateral intact gonads Almog B, et al. Fertil Steril 2011 Benaglia L, et al. Hum Reprod 2011 (both retrospective)

5 Objective: to evaluate IVF outcome in women with unoperated bilateral endometriomas Focusing on women with bilateral rather than monolateral disease more reliable data on ovarian responsiveness and oocytes quality compensatory effect of the intact gonads is lacking.

6 Materials and Methods multicenter retrospective cohort study
Infertility Unit of Fondazione Ca Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico (Milan, Italy) IVI Infertility Unit (Madrid, Spain) (ICSI) cycles January 2006 to July 2010 aged < 40 years bilateral endometriomas Diagnosis: two ultrassound Control subjects women who had not undergone previous ovarian surgery and who did not have any USG evidence of edt or nonedt ovarian cysts without a history of endometriosis Exclusion criterion. Previous surgery for endometriomas

7 Materials and Methods Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 18.0) Statistically significant differences: unpaired Student t test nonparametric Wilcoxon unpaired test chi-square test or Fisher exact test as appropriate P value of < 0,05 was considered to be statistically significant

8 Results

9 Results Seventeen women (44%) were diagnosed with more than one endometrioma per ovary the mean size of cysts Right: 20 (+/- 10)mm Left: 21 (+/- 10)mm

10 Results

11 Results oocytes retrieved/total number of follicle in case and control subjects were 77% (57%–88%) in case 71% (63%–79%) in control fertilization rates 67% (56%–100%) in case 70% (57%–100%) in control top-quality embryos per oocyte 33% (25%–50%) in case 33% (20%–43%) in control

12 Results inadvertent puncture of the endometriomas did not occur in any case no pelvic in- flammatory disease following oocyte retrieval was observed.

13 Discussion Responsiveness to ovarian hyperstimulation is reduced in women with bilateral unoperated endometriomas On the other hand rates of oocytes retrieved per developing follicle were similar  oocyte retrieval is not hampered by the presence of the endometriomas the quality of the retrieved oocytes was not influenced by the proximity of these cysts The fertilization rate, the rate of top-quality embryos per oocyte used, the implantation rate, and the chances of pregnancy  the same

14 Discussion The mean diameter of the cysts was 22–23 mm.
larger cysts may be more detrimental to oocyte quality Patients with larger cysts may be more symptomatical  surgery Italian legislation banning a systematic policy of embryo freezing Not possible to obtain data on the cumulative pregnancy rate per retrieval histologic confirmation of the diagnosis of endometriosis was missing Sensitivity 84%–100%  USG Specificity 90%–100%  USG Savelli L. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009 mechanisms behind the reduced responsiveness on ovaries with endometriomas were not investigated in the present study

15 In conclusion the presence of bilateral edtomas at the time of IVF seems to affect responsiveness to hyperstimulation the quality of the oocytes retrieved and the chances of pregnancy are not affected Given the risks of severe damage to the ovarian reserve consequent to surgery in these asymptomatic women, the intervention does not appear to be a suitable



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