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Sumer and Babylon Aim: How did the main aspects of civilization begin in mesopotamia? Do Now: what are the rivers of mesopotamia?

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Presentation on theme: "Sumer and Babylon Aim: How did the main aspects of civilization begin in mesopotamia? Do Now: what are the rivers of mesopotamia?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sumer and Babylon Aim: How did the main aspects of civilization begin in mesopotamia? Do Now: what are the rivers of mesopotamia?

2 Civilization Surplus (extra) crops
Resulted in the growth of towns and cities

3 Sumer Southern Mesopotamia About a dozen small cities
Created first wheeled vehicles

4 Cuneiform Cuneiform – system of writing invented in Sumer
Brought cities together First created to record farm surpluses Used sharp reeds to scratch onto clay tablets

5 Cuneiform Oldest tablets – symbols are like pictographs
Gradually simplify symbols so can write faster Over 500 signs

6 School in Sumer Most could not write
Honor to go to school and be a scribe Possible for girls to be scribes

7 City-States of Sumer City-state – a self-governing city that also governs surrounding villages Life centered around the city-states

8 City-States of Sumer Went to war to control the river
Walls built to protect against attack

9 Open Ziggurat of Ur Worksheet

10 Religion Ziggurat – large building with a temple at its peak
Center of city STEPPED PYRAMID Polytheism

11 Hammurabi’s Code Aim: how did Hammurabi’s code show the importance of government? Do now: why are laws so important? Why do we need laws?

12 Hammurabi’s Code Aim: how did Hammurabi’s code show the importance of government? Do now: take out hammurabi’s code worksheet

13 Babylon Empire of Babylonia Hammurabi – king of Babylon

14 Hammurabi’s Code Code of law – a written set of laws that apply to everyone under a government One of world’s oldest set of laws Slavery existed Not everyone was equal Written in cuneiform

15 Hammurabi’s Code If a physician operates on a man for a severe wound with a bronze tool and causes that man’s death… they shall cut off his hand. If a builder builds a house for a man and does not make the construction sound, and the house which he has built collapses and causes death, that builder shall be put to death. If a man destroys the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye. If a son strikes his father, they shall cut off his hand. Anyone who steals a child shall be put to death. Convicted thieves shall have their hands cut off. If a man destroys the eye of a slave, he shall pay one-half the slave’s value.

16 Homework Answer the Aim in a paragraph
Can this type of strict laws be good for society today? Why or why not? Hammurabi’s Code worksheet

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