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The rural lit rally library, 2012 part 1

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1 The rural lit rally library, 2012 part 1

2 Holdings of the rural lit rally library
As part of our mission to preserve these works and revive interest in and appreciation for them on many levels, the Rural Lit RALLY initiative has amassed a collection of approximately 105 volumes. Whenever possible, we have purchased first edition, signed copies. We have been fortunate to have had some of the new material donated to us by the authors themselves, notably Linda Hasselstrom and David Pichaske. Some of the books carry additional gift inscriptions, interesting in and of themselves. We believe the books have value on multiple levels, from the educational aspects of history, politics, language arts, and science, to the artistic levels of the paper and typeface used at varying times over the century, as well as the cover art. The oldest volume in the collection is Rose Terry Cooke’s Somebody’s Neighbors, published in 1881, with 80 of our books having been published prior to The remaining 25 or so works span the period of 1966 up through 2012.

3 A Lantern in Her Hand, Bess Streeter Aldrich, published 1928.

4 Spring Came On Forever, Bess Streeter Aldrich, published 1935.

5 Spring Came On Forever, signed by Bess Streeter Aldrich.

6 Red Headed School Ma’am, Darragh Aldrich, published 1935.

7 Some Trails Never End, Darragh Aldrich, published in 1941.

8 Some Trails Never End, signed by Darragh Aldrich.

9 From the Hidewood, by Robert Amerson, published 1996.

10 From the Hidewood, signed by Robert Amerson.

11 The Land of Little Rain, by Mary Austin, published 1903.

12 Long Furrows, by Dora Aydelotte, published 1935.

13 Long Furrows, signed by Dora Aydelotte.

14 A Humble Lear, by Lorna Doone Beers, published 1929.

15 A Humble Lear, copyright page.

16 Floods of Spring, by Henry Bellamann, published 1942.

17 A Daughter of the Badlands, by sister and brother Kate Boyles Bingham and Virgil Boyles, published 1922.

18 A Daughter of the Badlands, signed by Virgil Boyles.

19 The Land They Possessed, by mother and daughter Mary Worthy Thurston and Muriel Breneman under the pseudonym of Mary Worthy Breneman, this reprint of the 1956 book published in 1991.

20 The Land They Possessed, signed by Muriel Breneman.

21 Dakota in the Morning, by William Harlowe Briggs, published 1942.

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