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The Truth About Drugs

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1 The Truth About Drugs

2 Our Drug Culture Estimated that 208 MILLION people internationally consume illegal drugs 19.9 million Americans over the age of 12 use drugs 45% of high school students drink alcohol 19.7% smoke pot

3 WHY? Try to fit in Escape their problems Relax Because they are bored Want to feel grown up Rebel Experiment They think drugs are a solution. But eventually, the drugs become the PROBLEM.

4 The Truth About MARIJUANA

5 MARIJUANA Most commonly used drug in the world
Marijuana comes from the Indian hemp plant Second most frequently found substance in the bodies of drivers involved in fatal car accidents. THC – the main chemical in cannabis that causes its drug reaction The amount of THC in the hemp plant determines the strength of the drug THC stays in the body for weeks, possibly months, depending on the length and intensity of usage. THC damages the immune system

6 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Loss of coordination Distortions in the sense of
Time Vision Hearing Sleepiness Reddening of the eyes Increased appetite Change in heart rate In the first hour a user’s risk of a heart attack could increase FIVE TIMES

7 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Upset women’s menstrual cycle
Anxiety and/or Depression Deform sperm cells in male Relaxed muscles Decline in school performance Impaired memory Apathy Inability to solve problems

8 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Psychotic Symptoms Lung damage Heart damage
Bronchitis symptoms Coughing Wheezing Reduce ability to fight lung infections and illness Pregnant women who use can harm unborn baby Gateway to harder drugs

9 The Truth About ALCOHOL

10 ALCOHOL Depressant (slows down vital functions)
Ethanol is the alcohol used in beverages Fermentation of grains and fruits Fermenting-chemical process when yeast acts upon ingredients in food, creating alcohol Drunk driving is the leading cause of death among teenagers in the US


12 ALCOHOL In 2007 there were nearly four teenage drunk- driving fatalities EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR Drinking is more harmful to teens than adults because their brains are still developing. Those who begin drinking before age 15 are 4 times more likely to develop alcoholism then those who wait until 21

13 Short-Term Effects Distorted vision and hearing
Decreased perception and coordination Slurred speech Impaired judgment Sleepiness Blackouts

14 Short-Term Effects Headaches Vomiting Diarrhea/Upset Stomach
Breathing difficulties Unconsciousness Anemia Coma

15 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Unintentional injuries Intentional injuries
Car crash Falls Burns Drowning Intentional injuries Shootings Sexual assault Domestic violence Increased on-the-job injuries and loss of productivity Family problems (broken relationships)

16 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Alcohol poisoning Heart related diseases
Liver disease Nerve damage Brain damage Sexual problems Ulcers Gastritis Malnutrition Cancer Vitamin B deficiency

17 The Truth About ECSTASY
Click here to watch the truth.

18 ECSTASY Schedule I Drug – has no medical use (Heroin and LSD)
“Designer Drug” Major charges for possession, delivery and manufacturing 4 years to life in jail Fines $250,000 to $4 million Potentially deadly if mixed with alcohol Became the drug of choice on the club scene with raves and all night parties

19 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Impaired judgment Blurred vision Confusion
False sense of affection Depression Severe anxiety Paranoia

20 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Drug cravings Involuntary teeth clenching
Faintness and chills or swelling Muscle tension Nausea Sleep problems

21 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Long-lasting brain damage affecting thought and memory Damage to portions of the brain that regulate critical functions such as learning, sleep and emotion It is as if the brain switchboard was torn apart, then rewired backwards Degenerated nerve branches and nerve endings

22 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Depression Anxiety Memory loss Kidney failure
Hemorrhaging Psychosis Cardiovascular collapse Convulsions Death

23 The Truth About COCAINE

24 COCAINE Extracted from coca leaves Cocaine is the drug in powder form
Originally developed as a painkiller Abused by sniffing, ingesting, skin absorption, injection Cocaine is the drug in powder form One of the most dangerous drugs known to man Extremely addictive Second most trafficked illegal drug in the world 448,481 emergency room visits involving cocaine in 2005

25 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature Increased rate of breathing Contracted blood vessels Hyper-stimulation Dilated pupils Nausea Loss of appetite Disturbed sleep patterns Convulsions, seizures and sudden death from high doses (even one time)

26 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior
Hallucinations, hyper-excitability, irritability Tactile hallucination that creates the illusion of bus burrowing under the skin Intense euphoria Anxiety and paranoia Depression Intense drug braving Panic psychosis

27 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Destruction of tissues in nose if sniffed
Infections diseases and abscesses if injected Respiratory failure if smoked Malnutrition, weight loss Severe tooth decay Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain High blood pressure, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death Liver, kidney and lung damage Sexual problems, reproductive damage and infertility (both genders)


29 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion
Irritability and mood disturbances Increased frequency of risky behavior Delirium or psychosis Severe depression Auditory and tactile hallucinations Tolerance and addiction (even after just one use)

30 The Truth About CRACK

31 CRACK COCAINE Crystal form of the drug
Addiction can happen the FIRST time Not as expensive as powder cocaine High lasts about 15 minutes

32 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature Increased rate of breathing Contracted blood vessels Hyper-stimulation Loss of appetite Dilated pupils Nausea Disturbed sleep patterns

33 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior
Hallucinations, hyper-excitability, irritability Bug hallucination Intense Euphoria Anxiety and paranoia Depression Intense drug craving Panic and psychosis Convulsions, seizures and sudden death from high doses (even one time)

34 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Tolerance and addiction (even after just one use)
Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion Irritability and mood disturbances Increased frequency of risky behavior Auditory and tactile hallucinations Malnutrition, weight loss Severe tooth decay Severe depression Delirium or psychosis

35 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected
Liver, kidney, and lung damage Severe chest pains Sexual problems, reproductive damage and infertility (both genders) Respiratory failure Permanent damage to blood vessels of ear and brain, high blood pressure, leading to heart attacks, strokes and death


37 PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Serious health risks are involved and that is why these medications are only safe when under the care of a doctor Many pills look the same, but have very different effects Some prescriptions like Ritalin, Oxytocin, etc… carry the same charges as cocaine Higher overdose risk (45% more than any other illegal drug) Every day 2,500 teens try a prescription drug for the first time

Depression Lowered blood pressure Chronic fatigue Confusion Breathing difficulties Dizziness Sexual problems Fever Sleep problems Visual disturbances Cravings Disorientation, lack of coordination Anxiety and panic Slowed pulse and breathing Withdrawal is severe and can be deadly Poor Concentration Risk of high blood sugar Fatigue Diabetes Slurred speech Weight gain (up to 100 lbs) Sluggishness Heart Problems Dilated pupils Choking Liver Failure Addiction Suicide

Physical dependence/Addiction Slowed breathing Restlessness Constipation Muscle and bone pain Unconsciousness Insomnia Nausea Diarrhea Coma Vomiting Cold Flashes (Goose Bumps)

Apathy Paranoia Depression High Body temps Irregular heartbeat

Insomnia Irritability Nervousness and anxiety Violent thoughts and actions Agitation Suicidal thoughts or suicide Tremors Hostility Sweating Irregular heartbeat Aggression Criminal behavior Confusion and incoherent thoughts Paranoia Hallucinations Psychosis Inability to sit still

42 The Truth About Crystal Meth
Click here to watch the truth.

43 CRYSTAL METH Short for crystal methamphetamine Man-made chemicals
Creates a false sense of happiness Many users are hooked from the very first time One of the most difficult addictions to treat

44 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Loss of appetite
Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature Dilation of pupils Disturbed sleep patterns Nausea Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior Hallucinations, hyper-excitability, irritability Panic and psychosis Convulsions, seizures and death

45 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Destructions of nasal tissues if sniffed
Breathing problems if smoked Infectious disease if injected Malnutrition, weight loss Severe tooth decay Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion Strong psychological dependence

46 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Damage to the brain similar to Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and epilepsy Psychosis Depression Liver, kidney and lung damage Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain, high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death

47 The Truth About INHALANTS
Click here to see the truth.

48 INHALANTS Vapors from toxic substances
More than 1,000 household products could be abused as inhalants More than 22.9 million Americans have experimented with inhalants at some point in their lives The majority of abusers are aged 12 or 13 22% will die of Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome as first time users

49 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS Slurred speech Drunk, dizzy or dazed appearance
Inability to coordinate movement Hallucinations and delusions Hostility Apathy Impaired judgment Unconsciousness Severe headaches Rashes around the nose and mouth Irregular and rapid heart beats and lead to heart failure and death within minutes Death from suffocation

50 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Muscle weakness Disorientation Lack of coordination
Irritability Depression Serious and sometimes irreversible damage to the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, and brain Memory impairment, diminished intelligence Hearing loss Bone marrow damage Deaths from heart failure or asphyxiation

51 The Truth About HEROIN

52 HEROIN Made from the resin of poppy plants
Most heroin is injected creating additional risks for the user Originally a treatment for tuberculosis and as a remedy for morphine addiction Users are constantly at risk of an overdose Most heroin comes from Afghanistan

53 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS “Rush” – surge of sensation (accompanied by vomiting or severe itching) Slowed breathing Clouded mental functioning Nausea Sedation (drowsiness) Hypothermia Coma or death (due to overdose)

54 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Bad teeth Constipation Cold sweats Itching Insomnia
Introversion Depression Respiratory illnesses Pustules on the face Loss of appetite Reduced sexual capacity and long-term impotence in men Menstrual disturbance in women Inability to achieve orgasm (women and men) Inflammation of the gums Muscular weakness, partial paralysis Loss of memory and intellectual performance Weakening of the immune system Coma

55 The Truth About LSD

56 LSD Mind changing chemicals Manufactured from fungus
Odorless and colorless, but comes in many forms Unpredictable Hallucinogen

57 PHSYCIAL EFFECTS Dilated pupils Higher or lower body temp
Sweating or chills Loss of appetite Sleeplessness Dry mouth Tremors

58 MENTAL EFFECTS Delusions Visual hallucinations
Impaired depth perception Fear of losing control Panic attacks An artificial sense of euphoria or certainty Distortion of one’s sense of time and identity Severe depression or psychosis Severe, terrifying thoughts and feelings Impaired time perception, distorted perception of the size and shape of objects, movements, color, sounds, touch and the user’s own body image Flashbacks, or a recurrence of the LSD trip, often without warning long after taking LSD

59 Habitual use of drugs to alter one’s
DRUG ABUSE Habitual use of drugs to alter one’s mood, emotion or state

60 DRUG ADDICTION Physical dependency on any substance that one has to have on a regular basis to be able to function.


62 DRUG CRAVING The body or brain shows withdrawals when the drug or alcohol is not present

63 DRUG TOLERANCE the brain adjusts to the drug over time and larger quantities are needed to achieve the same effect


65 Difficult as it may be to face one’s problems, the consequences of drug use are always worse than the problem one is trying to solve with them. The real answer is to get the facts and not to take drugs in the first place.

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