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General Anesthesia (GA)

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Presentation on theme: "General Anesthesia (GA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Anesthesia (GA)

2 What’s general anesthesia?
How to anesthetize the patient?

3 Four clinical end points of GA

4 Classification of General Anesthesia
Inhalational GA  Intravenous GA Combined GA

5 Procedure of GA Induction from awake to sleep (hypnotic) and ready for surgery preoxygenation induction with intravenous or inhalational anesthetics Tracheal intubation , mechanical ventilation Maintenance four endpoints Emergence Awake, spontaneous respiration no residual muscle relaxation

6 Tracheal intubation Open and seal the air way ventilation
Deliver inhalational anesthetics stiletto

7 Tracheal intubation

8 Special Apparatus McCoy Mccoy Polio Polio Soper Soper Hinged blade tip

9 Supraglottic Devices Laryngeal Mask Airway Combitube

10 Difficult airway Apparatus

11 Verify Position chest expansion bilaterally
listening over the epigastrium and the lung fields Continuous waveform capnography exhaled CO2 ,esophageal detector device (EDD) If in doubt, laryngoscope to visualize the tube passing through the vocal cords If still in doubt, bag-mask ventilation chest x-ray (when feasible) above the carina

12 Anesthetic Machine Composition of AM Gas supplies Vaporizer ventilator
Breath circle

13 Maintenance and Monitoring

14 Depth of Hypnotic effect

15 Neuromuscular Function

16 Autonomic stability evaluation

17 Autonomic stability evaluation
PETCO2 Sevoflurane BIS BIS

18 What about analgesia ? MAC Spinal reflex Intravenous GA analgesic

19 Emergence Conscious No residual relaxation Spontaneous respiration
Head rise 5 s , tongue protrude VT > 500ml SpO2 >95% (inspiration air) No residual relaxation TOF ratio > 90% Analgesia PCA

20 for management of anesthetized patient
Special techniques for management of anesthetized patient

21 Deliberade Hypotension
Methods Inhalational anesthetics isoflurane Vasodilator Nitroprusside sodium Nitroglycerine Autonomic ganglia blocker Objectives facilitate surgery decrease blood loss Safety stand ≥70 % of Basic lever SAP ≥ 80mmHg MAP ≥ 60~70mmHg Time limit 30~90 min

22 Hypothermia Objectives Grades Methods Decrease MR
Maintain Basic metabolic requirement of Cell Grades Low hypothermia ℃ ~ 32 ℃ Middle hypothermia 31 ℃ ~ 26 ℃ Deep hypothermia <25 ℃ Methods Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Bypass

23 Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Basic parts of the Set Preload and hemodilution HCT 20%~25% Hb 70 ~ 80 g/L Heparin 300~400 U / kg ACT>480~ 600s Pup flow 2.2~2.8L/(m2.min) 100~150 ml/kg (child) Myocardial protection K+ 20mmol/L

24 Autologous transfusion
Preoperational hemodilution ANH 10~15ml/kg Blood Salvages anticoagulation Prof. Wang Xue-ren

25 The best safety lies in f e a r

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