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Year 2 Objectives : Measurement 1

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1 Year 2 Objectives : Measurement 1
Objective 1m: Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels, Length/height (m, cm) in any direction Mass (kg, g) Temperature (°C) Capacity (l, ml) to the nearest appropriate unit Know 1 m and make reasonable estimates of length/height up to 10m Know 1cm and make reasonable estimates of length/height up to 100cm Know 1kg and make reasonable estimates of weight up to 5kg Name objects that weigh more or less than 1kg, 10kg Know how much they weigh in kg Know that kg is a written format for kilogram Know how much 1 litre is Know that many liquids are sold in 1 litre amounts Know amounts that are more or less than 1 litre Know that 0°C is freezing Know that 100°C is boiling Estimate the temperature outside to a reasonable approximation MEASUREMENT Objective 2m: Compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record results using ˂,˃ and = Order different lengths using metres and centimetres Order different weights using kilograms and grams Use the symbols ˃, ˂, and = to compare two amounts of lengths and weight Record information using ˃, ˂, and = Record amounts of liquid using litres and millilitres Use ˃, ˂, and = to compare amounts of liquid Objective 3m: Read scales to the nearest numbered unit Read weighing scales to the nearest 10 gram units Read lengths to the nearest centimetre Read liquid amounts to the nearest 10 ml © Focus Education (UK) Ltd 2014

2 Year 2 Objectives : Measurement 2
Objective 7m: Estimate and measure using appropriate standard units, using appropriate measuring vessels, rulers and scales: Height/length (m, cm) Mass (kg, g) Temperature (°C) Volume and capacity (l, ml) Estimate a distance of up to 5 metres Name objects that are more or less than a metre long or high Know how long a centimetre is Know that 100 centimetres make up 1 metre Use a ruler to measure 5cm, 10cm, 20cm and 30cm accurately Name objects that are approximately 10 cm long Write m and cm to represent metre and centimetres respectively Recognise mm as a very small measurement Know that 10 mm is 1 centimetre MEASUREMENT Objective 4m: Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value Know that 1p + 2p = 3p, 10p + 5p = 15p and 50p + 20p = 70p Know that £1 = 50p + 50p Objective 5m: Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amount of money Find all the different ways of using coins to make 20p Find all the different ways of using coins to make 50p Find all the different ways of using coins to make £1 Objective 6m: Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change Calculate how much Imran spends if he buys an apple for 20p and a banana for 10p. Calculate how much change he would get from 50p Calculate how much change he would get from £1. © Focus Education (UK) Ltd 2014

3 Year 2 Objectives : Measurement 3
Objective 8m: Tell and write the time to 5 minutes (including quarter to and past) Read the clock to o’clock and half past Read the clock to quarter past and quarter to Read the clock in five minute intervals past the hour Read the clock to five minute intervals to the hour Draw times on clock faces to the intervals of o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour Objective 9m: Recognise coins and notes of different values Recognise all coins from 1p to £2 Recognise all notes from £5 to £50 Objective 10m: Combine amounts to make values and match combinations of coins to amounts of money Combine coins between the value of 10p and 50p and say how much altogether up to the value of £1 Combine coins between the value of 10p and 50p and say how much altogether up to the value of £5 Combine notes and coins to make up amounts to the value of £10 Combine notes and coins to make up amounts to the value of £50 MEASUREMENT Objective 11m: Add and subtract money of the same unit Add 2 different amounts of money using combinations of £ and 50p Add 2 different amounts of money using combinations of £ and 10p Add 2 different amounts of money using a combination of notes and coins to the value of £10 © Focus Education (UK) Ltd 2014

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