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Lecturer: Dr. Emmanuel Debrah, Contact Information:

2 Understanding Public Administration (part 2)
Session 2

3 Session Overview Although public administration has its own distinctive features which delineate it from other disciplines, some scholars have argued that it is similar to private or business administration. Some have further argued that one can separate administration from politics. These debates have ranged on for a long time. In this session, we endeavour to learn about these controversies and how they have been resolved in the literature.

4 Session outline The key topics for this session are the following:
Topic one: Public and business administration differences Topic two: Similarities between public and business administration Topic three: Politics-administration dichotomy Topic four: Politics-administration convergence

5 Public and business administration differences
Topic one

6 Public Interest and Political Direction Argument
they differ in terms of their objectives. The principal goal for establishing private organizations is to maximize profit. the desire for profit in the private sector often forces the administrator to watch costs, control workers and fire those who do not perform. the success of the organization is always measured in terms of profit. A loss represents failure. On the contrary, profit is not the primary motive in the public sector. The public sector is managed to provide essential goods and services to the citizenry.

7 Public Interest and Political Direction Argument
The public administrator is concerned with how to serve the public interest without counting the cost. Also, there is political control of public administrators. By contrast, business administration is not so much affected by political forces. The administrators are removed from the everyday political pressures exerted on administrators in the public organizations by ministers.

8 Legal Framework and Rigidity Argument
The environment of public administration is regulated by law. The administrator rigidly follows laid down rules/guidelines in executing government’s activities. On the other hand, private administrators do not lend themselves to legalities they have flexibility in taking prompt decisions if the action is intended to achieve profit for the organization.

9 Transparency and Accountability Argument
Public administrators are required by law to submit themselves to the public’s scrutiny. Thus, they operate in a glass or ‘goldfish bowl’ They must offer explanation for all actions they undertake. On the other hand, business administrators are not controlled and scrutinized by agents of the state except where their actions contravene the general laws of the land.

10 Tenure and Efficiency Argument
In public administration, employees generally enjoy considerable amount of security of tenure. Their positions in government organizations are certain, and are not subjected to arbitrary dismissals. On the contrary, private administration is characterized by fluidity of tenure of job. Hiring and firing is a common phenomenon in private administration.

11 Tenure and Efficiency Argument
Also there is efficiency in private administration than public administration. Public administration is more concerned with acting to satisfy the public interest without counting the losses. On the other hand, private administration is usually run on efficient and result-oriented lines.

12 Similarities between public and private administration
Topic two

13 The Administrative Science Perspective
It is argued that administrators in both public and business administration engage in (POSDCORB) planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting.

14 The Normative Argument
Public and business administration mobilize human and material resources to achieve their goals. The two emphasize cooperative interactions among human beings as the basis for achieving optimal results or efficiency. they all strife to provide essential services to the clients /people. They are organized based on Weber’s hierarchical structure in which superiors occupy the top positions and subordinates take the bottom positions.

15 Economic and Private Partnership Argument
Other scholars think that public and business administration are the same because they all operate on business principles. Most public corporations such as water and energy providers operate as business or commercial entities. The phenomenon of ‘public-private partnership’ means the two live in co-existence and cooperation

16 Politics and Administration Dichotomy
Topic three

17 Views of Woodrow Wilson
According to Woodrow Wilson, the ‘field of administration is a field of business removed from and outside the proper sphere of politics’. Issues that concern administrators are different from those that engage the attention of politicians. he advocated the creation of a technically competent apolitically or neutral administrative system for a democracy.

18 Max Weber’s Perspective
Max Weber contended that separating administration from politics will enhance the neutrality of bureaucrats. He therefore stressed the need for meritocracy, competence and expertise of civil servants in the execution of government activities.

19 Frank Goodnow’s View Frank Goodnow says that there are two distinct functions of government, namely administration and politics. In his view, politics is about decision-making or the expression of the political will. On the other hand, administration is the execution of the political will. While politics involves conflict, struggles and disagreements among the competing actors, administration is based on innovations, initiatives, continuity, and cooperative groups’ efforts.

20 Politics and administration convergence
Topic four

21 Administrative Pluralism Argument
It is argued that public administrators are not simply technicians who merely execute the will of their political masters. Rather, civil servants occupy a strategic position between political leaders and citizens. administrative agencies and administrators are involved in the general political process.

22 Administrative Pluralism Argument
Actions and activities of political heads of the ministries are directed and shaped by technocrats who constantly offer advice and suggestions regarding policy making. contemporary public administration, policy changes by politicians are largely informed by the feedback information they obtain from the bureaucrats.

23 The Political Environment and Administration
Some scholars also contend that the environment within which public administrators operate is political. The political system influences almost invariably everything that administrators do. Public administrators are always expected to be responsive to legislative intentions, and be sensitive to changes in legislative sympathies In playing all their roles, the public administrators do not detached themselves from the political interests of their ministers under whom they serve.

24 The Realist School Perspective
The Realist School believes that a depoliticized bureaucracy is not achievable. According to the realist school, where the principles of neutrality and impartiality of the civil servant are rigidly enforced, they only lead to the emergence of ‘monster of a lethargic’ conservative public bureaucrats who are insensitive and less incline to reform.

25 The Realist School Perspective
civil servants have natural instincts for partisan choices. No matter the legal constraints on them to behave neutral, there are inherent tendencies in them that draw them to politics. Although bureaucrats may not be passionate about political affairs, and may not show any preference for a particular political party, this posture cannot be construed as political neutrality.

26 SAMPLE QUESTIONS State and discuss three ways by which politics and administration converge. Explain how outsourcing brings similarity between public and private administration? Explain why public interest divide public from private or business administration. How does accountability and transparency differentiate public administration from private administration?

27 Reference Stillman, R. (2004). Public Administration: Concepts and Cases 8 edition. Wadsworth Publishing New York.


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