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Startup Pitch Deck Template

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Presentation on theme: "Startup Pitch Deck Template"— Presentation transcript:

1 Startup Pitch Deck Template

2 Add Company Tag Line here
Company Name and Logo here Add Company Tag Line here <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

3 “One Liner” Describe the Company/Business in one sentence
Company Purpose “One Liner” Describe the Company/Business in one sentence <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

4 “One Liner” Describe what Customer Pain point you are solving
Problem “One Liner” Describe what Customer Pain point you are solving <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

5 What is happening today
“One Liner” Describe what is customer doing today <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

6 Solution “One Liner” Describe how your solution helps the customer. Provide Use cases. <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

7 Why now? Why not 2 years ago? Why not 2 years later? Why the right time is now? <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

8 Vision Where do you see the company in 5 years?
<Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

9 Competition Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4
<Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

10 Customer Segmentation
Identify potential Customer Segments For your product Highlight the market you are going after Segment 5 Segment 4 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 1 <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

11 Market Sizing Estimate the Market Size of the Target Customer Segment
Total Market Opportunity Total Addressable Market Serviceable Available Market Serviceable Obtainable market Estimate the Market Size of the Target Customer Segment TMO: TAM (Top Down): SAM (Bottoms up): SOM: <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

12 Competition Feature / Competition Customer Type Primary Mkt B Model
Pricing Nodes Est.Revenues Feature 1 ×/× Feature 2 Feature 3 × ×/× × <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

13 Competitive Strategy/Differentiator
How is the Idea Defensible? What is your Competitive Edge? <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

14 Business model  CUSTOMER SEGMENT C1 C2 FUNCTION F1 F2 DELIVERY MODEL D1 D2 PRICING P1 P2 ACC. SIZE/ LTV L1 L2 <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

15 Product Architecture Describe the process, functionality, features, product roadmap Identify IP if any Layer 1 Layer description Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

16 Showcase Because Demos Fail! Describe the form factor Add Screenshots of the product. <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

17 Traction How long have you been in the market? How many users/active users? Sales Numbers Customer Pipeline/List

18 Financials/Cash flow Balance Sheet: Projected Expenses: Runway Left: Fund raise/Ask: Spend Distribution: <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

19 TEAM Founders: Core Team: Partners/Board Advisors:
<Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

20 Thanks for your Time Contact: Founder Names, Emails, Phone Numbers
Office: Office Address <Company Name> | <Month & Year> | Confidential

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