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Tobacco In ATOD Section of Binder please respond to the following question: How do you feel about tobacco use? (Is it OK to use occasionally, etc.) Why.

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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco In ATOD Section of Binder please respond to the following question: How do you feel about tobacco use? (Is it OK to use occasionally, etc.) Why."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco In ATOD Section of Binder please respond to the following question: How do you feel about tobacco use? (Is it OK to use occasionally, etc.) Why do you think kids start smoking? Write at least one question you have about tobacco.

2 So What is Tobacco??? It is a plant that contains Nicotine

3 Main Ingredients In Tobacco Products
#1 - Nicotine Nicotine ( a chemical found in tobacco) is the addictive substance in a cigarette Nicotine in smoke gets to the brain in 7 to 10 seconds Nicotine makes your blood vessels smaller, so your heart must work harder to pump blood throughout the body

4 Main Ingredients In Tobacco Products
#2 - Carbon Monoxide

5 #3 - Tar Tar & the chemicals in the smoke vapor cause cancer.
Tobacco Companies don’t take the TAR out, because TAR provides the flavor for a cigarette. Lungs retain more than 70% of the TAR & NICOTINE that is inhaled

6 Other Chemicals

7 Harmful Effects of Tobacco Use
Emphysema – is a lung disease where air sacs in the lungs lose their elasticity. 8 of 10 people with Emphysema are smokers!

8 Emphysema

9 Lungs                                     

10 Lungs

11 #5 - Chronic Bronchitis –
is an inflammation of air passages to the lungs, excessive secretions of mucus in the bronchial tubes.

12 Respiratory System

13 Bad for the Body Heart Disease is a disease of the heart and blood vessels Atherosclerosis – is when fatty deposits block the arteries

14 Bad for the Body 40 – 60 of the chemicals in tobacco products are known carcinogens (Cause cancer) Inhaling cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream It increase your heart rate because your heart must work harder to get oxygen to the rest of the body

15 Day #2 Tobacco Sit in seat for attendance
Open binders – we will continue with notes on tobacco today Answer the following question: Do you think it is “safe” for you to sit next to someone while they smoke a tobacco product?

16 Effects on the mouth (Cancer) (Gum Disease)
Leukoplakia – is white spots on the inside of the mouth that may become cancerous, like this one.

17 The Mouth & Tongue

18 The Mouth & Tongue

19 Warnings US Warning Australian Warning

20 More Warnings…

21 More Warnings…


23 Warnings Canadian/European Warning

24 Day #2 Secondhand Smoke An estimated 49,000 of the 443,000 deaths per year are the result of secondhand smoke. For children Secondhand Smoke can cause: Premature death Asthma attacks & symptoms Lower respiratory tract infections like pneumonia & bronchitis Inner ear infections Increases in the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

25 Secondhand Smoke It is actually a mixture:
Sidestream smoke- comes from the end of a lighted cigarette, pipe, or cigar Mainstream smoke- smoke that is exhaled by a smoker Parents are responsible for 90% of children’s exposure to secondhand smoke Secondhand smoke immediately affects the heart & blood circulation in negative ways Over a longer time it can also cause heart disease and lung cancer

26 FACTS Everyday 4,000 teens light a cigarette for the first time and an estimated 1,140 become daily smokers 85% to 90% of all regular smokers begin before age 18 (60% of people that smoke start by the age of 14) Every 10 seconds somewhere in the world someone dies of tobacco-related illness Everyday almost 1,200 Americans die from smoking (In 2 years that would be the equivalent to losing the entire population of Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse & Yonkers combined

27 Facts Tobacco use is the LEADING cause of preventable death in the US
Tobacco kills more Americans each year than – alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, and illegal drugs put together. Tobacco use is the LEADING cause of preventable death in the US Tobacco use causes appx 443,000 deaths per year US (1 out of every 5 deaths) / 5 Million Worldwide On average smokers die years earlier than nonsmokers. 8.6 million have a serious illness related to smoking Cigarettes contain 4,000 chemicals in a cigarette, including 200 that are known poisons.

28 FACTS 1.3 Billion people smoke worldwide
45.3 million is the U.S. smoke 19.3% of the U.S. population More men (23.1%) the women (18.3%) smoke is the U.S.

29 FACTS 169,400 Americans contract lung cancer every year.
156,700(93%) will die Of those deaths 135,630 (87%) were smokers Smokers are twice as likely to die from cancer as non-smokers Smokers are three times as likely to die from a heart attack as non-smokers Approximately 3,000 non-smokers die of lung cancer each year.

30 FACTS A study found that dogs that lived with smokers had a 60 percent greater risk of lung cancer Cats are 3 times more likely to develop lymphoma (most common feline cancer) Cigarette butts take about 25 years to decompose

31 Let’s look at some more costs….
FACTS The Tobacco Industry spends almost 12.4 Billion dollars per year to promote smoking, this is more than any other product A pack of cigarettes cost about 5 cents to produce; yet smokers spend $5 or more A pack a day smoker will spend $2190 a year $6 a pack) Let’s look at some more costs….

32 In New York – packs can cost between $6-$12
$10 per pack – pack a day 1 Week $70 1 Month (30 Days) $300 1 Year $3,650 10 Years $36,500 20 Years $73,000 30 Years $109,500 40 Years $146,000 In New York – packs can cost between $6-$12

33 Effects Of Smokeless Tobacco Use
Smokeless tobacco contains nicotine, it is additive and can cause mouth cancer, bad breathe and yellow teeth

34 Electronic Cigarettes
FDA is not sure what chemicals are contained in the product. Still inhaling some chemicals.

35 Ways to stop… Nicotine patch, gum Nasal Spray Lozenge Inhaler
All of these have No TAR These give out Nicotine slowly. Nicotine gets absorbed through the skin or the lining of the nose or mouth.

36 Make a List of the Effects of Tobacco
Short Term Long Term Increased Heart Rate Emphysema Increased Blood Pressure Lung Cancer & Other Cancers Bad Breath Stained Teeth/Fingers Shortness of Breath Chronic Bronchitis Irritated Eyes Stroke/Heart Attack Smelly clothes Wrinkled skin

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