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Evaluation question 2.

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1 Evaluation question 2

2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Daisy is a 22 years old, middle aged women this is a selling point because it is very appealing to all the different age groups. She is an accountant and works over time and intelligent in finding out information. The ring on her left hand proves that she is engaged but the fiancé is not publicized. In the audiences point view the ring has convections such as security, safety and reserved. Daisy looks reserved but we can barely see that something is bothering her. We didn’t concentrate much on the ring because of the enigmatic drive of the film. We would consider comparing Daisy to Shauna Macdonald who played Sarah (The Descent, Neil Marshall, 2005). The horror films brings up the convections of why Sarah thrives for revenge. Sarah is proven as a fighter and transforms through the three acts of the films similar to Daisy. Sarah portrays an endangered character who is to overcome the predators surrounding her while looking for revenge. Also shown in the title sequence she is there for vengeance. The title italics shows the character is not organised due to what has happened. The cross fade of two images together engages the audiences into concentrates on the disruption ahead.

3 Mise-en-scene The mise-en-scene is essential in the portrayal of the character because certain objects can illustrate the type of a character you are. The broken light bulb shows disconnection with the character inners emotions. The light bulb is left on the floor looking messy clarifying Daisy as an unbalanced character. We used the voiceover to reflect the distress and agony which Daisy was going through. The newspapers all over the table shows the amount of information she is taking in, referring to an intellectual women. The newspapers are not properly placed suggesting her life is full of complexities. The resources around her makes her able to do her research like a detective. The costume does not suggest she is a detective as such but more reserved in how she does her research. The ring is shown briefly in the opening title sequence as the fiancé is not around but it’s left as an enigma to the audience. We were influenced by (Identity, James Mangold, 2003). The OTS gave us rough idea of how to base our mise-en-scene introducing our protagonist.

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