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F3 KI 1c.

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1 F3 KI 1c

2 Some more words: Facies “fah-shees” Biofacies Lithofacies

3 Ok – so lets highlight what we want to write in our notes!
Sedimentary facies physical, chemical, and biological aspects of a sedimentary bed and the lateral change within sequences of beds of the same geologic age. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are deposited long enough to become compacted and cemented into hard beds or strata. Sedimentation commonly occurs in areas where the sediment lies undisturbed for many years in sedimentary basins. Ok – so lets highlight what we want to write in our notes!

4 Ok – so lets highlight what we want to write in our notes!
Sedimentary facies physical, chemical, and biological aspects of a sedimentary bed and the lateral change within sequences of beds of the same geologic age. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are deposited long enough to become compacted and cemented into hard beds or strata. Sedimentation commonly occurs in areas where the sediment lies undisturbed for many years in sedimentary basins. Ok – so lets highlight what we want to write in our notes!

5 “Looking sideways gives you the vertical section”
Think of a coastline ….. As the beach builds out …. It will cover the shallow offshore sediments “Looking sideways gives you the vertical section”


7 Walther’s Law …. Johannes Walther, a German geologist, noted in 1894 that the vertical facies sequence in a sedimentary basin undergoing expansion and deepening so that the sea transgresses the land surface (or the reverse, a regression) is the same as the horizontal sequence. This has enabled geologists, knowing the pattern of facies at the surface, to predict accurately what may also be found at depth within a sedimentary basin. It is clear, however, that Walther’s observation only applies where there is no major break (i.e., an erosional interval) in the continuity of the succession.




11 Chromebooks Can you find out what BIOFACIES and LITHOFACIES are
Then we can collate an answer!

12 FACIES Relates to the sum total of all the characteristics of a rock
composition texture fossil content of a given age that change laterally

13 BIOFACIES A mappable unit based on fossil content
Biological characteristics (fauna and flora) Rainforest/coal Great Barrier Reef

14 LITHOFACIES “physical and chemical characteristics of a rock”
A mappable unit based on petrological characters (eg. texture and mineralogy) Size of particles Shape of particles Orientation of particles Sorting of particles

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