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America’s History Seventh Edition
James A. Henretta Rebecca Edwards Robert O. Self America’s History Seventh Edition CHAPTER 16 Conquering a Continent, Copyright © 2011 by Bedford/St. Martin’s
1. What is this poster promoting?
(Answer: settlement in the West) 2. Who was the intended audience? (Answer: those desiring land, economic opportunity, the ability to build a home.) 3. According to this poster, what makes the West “great”? (Answer: depicted as a land of plenty: vegetables, mountains, trees, livestock, space for housing, land.)
I. The Republican Vision
Integrating the National Economy 1. Protective Tariffs and Economic Growth-The Civil War changed Republicans economic vision #protective tariffs #national banking system #subsidies for land and railroads 2. The Role of Courts-interpreted 14th amendment to protect corporations from govt regulation-will lead to rise of trusts(monopolies) 3. Silver and Gold-gold stand limited money supply-westerners called for bimettalism-to put more silver in circulation-creating inflation to help farmers The Republican Vision Integrating the National Economy Protective Tariffs and Economic Growth – Republican-supported tariffs helped build textile, steel manufacturing, sheep ranching; provided largest share of revenue for U.S. Treasury; huge debt from Civil War ($2.8b) was erased by tariffs in two decades; caused much debate in Congress; Republicans argued they created jobs, blocked low-wage foreign competition for U.S. products; Democrats claimed that they over-taxed the consumers; historians contend that the tariffs helped the U.S. to become a world economic power in the postwar years; did not prevent poverty in U.S.; “trusts”: large corporations that dominated sectors of the economy, led to monopolies. The Role of Courts – states passed regulatory laws; Munn v. Illinois (1877): states had the right to regulate businesses that served public purposes (ex: railroads) but could not block integration of the national marketplace; land claims in southwest impacted by federal court decisions; most traditional land claims by Mexicans were invalidated (lost 64% of land cases). Silver and Gold – attempt to create an international system of standard measurements and currency; agreement that money should be based on gold (“gold standard”); 1873 Congress chose to use gold as the standard for U.S. currency value and end the use of “greenbacks” (paper dollars); this decision limited the nation’s money supply. 3
I. The Republican Vision
The New Union and the World 1. Foreign Relations 2. William Seward-Lincolns secretary of state-known for his desire to open Asian markets to American trade-wanted to annex Hawaii –purchased Alaska from Russia 1868 (Sewards icebox) The Republican Vision The New Union and the World Foreign Relations – post-Civil War Great Britain paid U.S. $15.5m in damages for aiding the South; steam-powered ships encouraged U.S. interests in the Caribbean and Pacific; 1854 Commodore Perry opened Japan to U.S. trade. William Seward – Sec. of State ; believed that U.S. must increase its participation in world, including the Western Hemisphere, Hawaii, and the Philippines; 1868 Burlingame Treaty gave American missionaries rights in China; purchased Alaska from Russia, some called “Seward’s Icebox.”
1. What did artist Hashimoto Sadahide seek to show his Japanese audience with these images?
(Answer: reveals the flurry of activity as western ships – US and French – enter the harbor to trade goods; loading of a ship is depicted in one image, arrival of a ship in the second image; presence of women and men aboard; women watching as men work. 2. Consider reactions to Asian immigrants to the United States during this same era. How might Americans have depicted the arrival of men and women from Japan to harbors on the Pacific Coast? (Answer: students might discuss anti-Chinese and Japanese sentiment on the West Coast; anti-Asian illustrations and cartoons published in newspapers.)
II. Incorporating the West
Cattlemen and Miners 1. Cattle Ranchers 2. Mining-American west became a mining frontier-gold, silver, copper, iron ore, lead,zinc Early 1860s-Republicans created the U.S. Department of Agriculture, The Morrill Act The Homestead Act-along with railroads became a main factor of western migration-aka domestic imperialism Incorporating the West Cattlemen and Miners Cattle Ranchers – government wanted to attract people to the West; Homestead Act offered 160 acres to applicants who agreed to occupy and improve land; advertised in Europe and U.S.; men who hunted bison saw the land as potential for raising cows; South Texas had millions of cattle grazing; Texas ranchers began “the Long Drive”: cowboys bringing cattle to rail lines in the northern Plains; rush of men into the region to raise and move cattle; millions of cattle were living on the land, destroying the natural ecosystem; drought, bitter cold, and blizzards of 1885 destroyed the industry; failed cattle ranchers began planting hay and raising livestock for slaughter. Mining – in the Far West; search for mineral wealth; gold found in Nevada, Rocky Mountains, Black Hills of South Dakota, and in Idaho; news of finds prompted movement of men from east to west; copper, lead, zinc found; towns grew in mining areas with theaters, hotels, brothels; towns became a market for timber from the Pacific Northwest.
II. Incorporating the West
Homesteaders 1. The Plains 2. Exodusters-blacks leaving Jim Crow south to become farmers in the West 3. Women in the West-Utah (Mormons) and Wyoming first places in US to give women voting rights Incorporating the West Homesteaders The Plains – railroad industry wanted to sell the Plains to potential migrants who feared it was the “Great American Desert”; argued that “anything” could grow on the land; migrants found fertile land, used steel plows, and planted European hard-kernel wheat; migrants from within the U.S., Sweden, Norway, Germany settled on the land. Exodusters – African American migrants who left the South to settle in the Plains, mostly in Kansas; desired to leave racial discrimination in the South and find prosperity outside its borders. Women in the West – homesteaders went as families; importance of women’s contribution on the farms; notion of “domesticity”: a man’s devotion to family made him a good worker; it was believed that women could provide moral guidance to men, including Christian charity, commitment to home, motherhood; conflicts with Mormons’ acceptance of polygamy and women’s suffrage in Utah; Wyoming Territory granted women suffrage in 1869; life on the Plains extremely hard for young mothers who struggled with isolation. 10
II. Incorporating the West
Confronting Debt and Aridity 1. Farmers-at the mercy of drought, floods, insects, and large corporations like railroads 2. John Wesley Powell-environmentalist that foresaw the need for irrigation, dams, and canals in the west 3. Yellowstone-National Park-grew out of fear of overdevelopment-Yosemite and Yellowstone first example of federal government attempt to preserve natural beauty and wildlife led to forced removal of Indians by military Incorporating the West Confronting Debt and Aridity Farmers – drop in crop prices as products glutted world markets; small farmers suffered as the market economy favored “economies of scale”; struggled to negotiate with railroad and grain elevator companies; environmental problems: grasshoppers, prairie fires, hailstorms, tornados, blizzards, lack of water, wood, lumber, fencing; western grasslands had insufficient water for growing; 160 acres too much for most farmers to handle; successes proved unsustainable. John Wesley Powell – Civil War veteran with one arm; employed by the U.S. Geological Survey; wrote Report on the Lands of the Arid Regions of the United States (1878); told Congress that 160-acre tracts would not work in dry regions and instead encouraged smaller, irrigated farms; proposed that the government work to develop water resources in the West: dams, canals; plan rejected by Congress but later considered a good critique of the problems that existed with development of the Plains. Yellowstone – preservation of land began 1864 with Yosemite Valley land; 1872 Yellowstone land preserved for tourism; management guidelines for these “national parks” took time to establish; Indians had to be expelled, hunting prohibited; native resistance to expulsion led to conflicts.
III. A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed
The Civil War and Indians on the Plains killing bison became a war strategy To clear Yellowstone, Nez Perce Indians led by Chief Joseph were forced off their land and forced to surrender while fleeing to Canada 1. Dakota Sioux-protested treatment by corrupt officials by killing hundreds of settlers in Minnesota-leaders were executed 2. Cheyenne- women and children killed in Sand Creek massacre – by militia led by John Chivington Sioux Indians backlash-killed 80 soldiers at Bozeman Trail A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed The Civil War and Indians on the Plains Dakota Sioux – summer of 1862 Dakota Sioux in Minnesota attacked settlers in protest for what they were not receiving (as promised) from the government for living on a reserved tract of land; more than 400 white people killed, thousands fled MN; 32 Sioux were hanged for the action (largest mass execution in U.S. history); Congress canceled all treaties with Dakota. Cheyenne – Colorado whites wanted a military campaign against the Cheyenne despite little hostility from the tribe (Sioux allies); 1864 military attacked the Cheyenne; Chief Black Kettle surrendered to federal agents, but was subsequently murdered along with hundreds of women, children, and infants; Arapaho and Sioux began to attack settlers in defense of the Cheyenne; U.S. Army initially failed to subdue the resistance; easterners began to dislike the “Indian Wars” and desire new solutions.
III. A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed
Grant’s Peace Policy-Grants humanitarian Indian policy was assimilation 1. Indian Boarding Schools-Reformers removed Indian children from their homes and forced them into white culture-ex. Carlisle Indian School 2. Breaking Up Tribal Lands-The Dawes severalty Act 1887-gave Indians homesteads and encouraged them to assimilate-it failed because of corruption in the BIA A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed Grant’s Peace Policy Indian Boarding Schools – reformers argued that Indians had the capacity to be equal with whites if educated and Christianized; “kill the Indian and save the man”; goal of creating off-reservation schools; PA Carlisle School (1879): children required to speak English, cut their hair, and dress in white-peoples’ clothing; corruption within Indian Bureau of Affairs; ultimately, native peoples were forced to assimilate to white culture. Breaking Up Tribal Lands – “Dawes Severalty Act” (1887): dividing reservations in to individual homesteads, private property might encourage native people to adopt the ways of whites; Sen. Henry Dawes (MA) was a leader in the Indian Rights’ Association; believed this new act would provide a sense of independence; total disaster; government seized land in Indian Territory and losses by native peoples increased. 16
III. A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed
The End of Armed Resistance “The only good Indian I ever saw was a dead one” General Philip Sheridan “ I have seen nothing a white man has that is good as the right to move in open country and live in your own way” Sitting Bull 1. Sitting Bull and Custer- 2. Little Big Horn- river in Montana where Custers 7th cavalry were surrounded and killed by Sioux-no American survivors-significant because it was Indians greatest and last victory – Custer’s last stand. A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed The End of Armed Resistance Sitting Bull and Custer – 1874 Gen. Custer claimed he found gold in the Black Hills of South Dakota; Sioux pressured to leave area for white settlers; demanded that all Sioux and their leader, Sitting Bull, gather at the federal agencies; Sitting Bull and leaders of the Cheyenne and Arapaho refused. Little Big Horn – July 25, 1874, Custer and his men attacked Sitting Bull’s camp in Montana; Custer died at this “Last Stand” as did all of his 210 men; last major victory of the Plains Indians against the U.S. Army.
1. Describe these two men, their dress and surroundings.
(Answer: two men of Native American-heritage; one appears older than the other; each man has long hair that has been styled, earrings, necklaces; both men are seated on the floor surrounded by various unidentifiable items hanging on the wall behind them with rope and feathers. 2. Can you identify any evidence of these men’s interaction with white Americans? (Answer: nothing in this image indicates that these men have any interaction with white Americans and/or European settlers.) 3. Speculate: why did Edward Curtis chose to photograph Little Plume and his son Yellow Kidney? (Answer: Curtis appears to want to show native men in their home environment.) 4. Curtis has been criticized by modern-day historians for removing items from his subjects’ clothing and environment and to make them appear more “authentic” in his photographs. What might be missing from this picture? (Answer: European-American-styled furniture, clothing, tools, weapons, books, cooking utensils.) 5. Does the knowledge that Curtis made such changes to his pictures influence your assessment of this image as a historical artifact? (Answer: here students could discuss the issue of bias, the importance of questioning sources, authenticity.)
1. Based on this cover image, what do you think this novel is about?
(Answer: speculation might include a renegade white American, “Bob,” who cracks the skulls of Indians in the West.) 2. Describe the illustration of the Native American on the cover. (Answer: stereotypical depiction of a muscular, half-dressed, wild-haired Native American wielding a knife at a white man.) 3. Why were novels about life on the frontier popular in 19th-century America? (Answer: stories depicted the West as exciting: outlaws, cowboys, Indians, violence; these imaginative and wildly exaggerated novels captured the imagination of those who lived in the East.)
III. A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed
Strategies of Survival 1. Ghost Dance Movement-sacred dance meant to bring back the bison and drive out whites-feeling threatened, the 7th cavalry killed 150 unarmed men, women and children at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota (Battle of Wounded Knee)-last battle in Indian conflict 1890 2. Sherman’s Death-paralleled the rise of the United States Important Indian warriors-Geronimo (Apache), Sitting Bull, Red Cloud A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed Strategies of Survival Syncretism – effort to maintain native customs and traditions, while assimilating; a blend of the old and the new; Ghost Dance movement (1880s): an effort to resurrect the bison and create a giant dust storm to force whites across the Atlantic; spread from reservation to reservation; misunderstood by whites who believed the dance would start a war; December 1890 battle at Wounded Knee Creek left 150 Lakota dead. Sherman’s Death – winter 1891 Sherman died in New York; celebrations of his life marked the critical moments in which the native population had been destroyed by military conquest; through Sherman’s military career the nation had grown spread westward and become an international economic power. 21
1. Identify symbols of Native American and European-American culture in this bedroom.
(Answer: Native American: blanket on bed, cross-bow and belt hanging on wall; European American: furniture, Christian images of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ on the walls, American flags, appear to be photographs of white men and women under image of Jesus Christ; clapboard house.) 2. What conclusions can we draw about Red Cloud from this image? (Answer: Christianized, appears to either be supportive of the United States or collects US flags.) 3. What message do you think the photographer was trying to convey with this image? (Answer: depicts a small piece of the home of a Native American man who appears to be mixing the two cultures – Native and European-American – into his daily life.)
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