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Introduction Paramyxoviridae Pneumovirinae 2 genera Paramyxovirinae

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1 Initiation and regulation of paramyxovirus transcription and replication

2 Introduction Paramyxoviridae Pneumovirinae 2 genera Paramyxovirinae

3 paramyxovirus transcription and replication

4 NNS RNA virus transcription and replication initiation models
Model 1: a single pool of polymerase Model 2: 2 pools of polymerase Model 3: universal

5 Organization of the RSV le promoter

6 Initiation of Transcription and Replicarion in RSV infection


8 Can the RSV transcription and replication initiation model be applied to other paramyxoviruses?
whereas the RSV promoters are contained entirely within the le or tr regions the promoters of the paramyxovirinae are bipartite. the paramyxovirinae promoter elements need to be positioned in the appropriate phase relative to N protein and aligned adjacent to each other on the helical nucleocapsid to be functional. whereas the RSV promoter must lie near the 3’ end of the template to be functional, this is not the case in the paramyxovirinae.

9 regulation of paramyxovirus polymerase activity
Transition from positive to negative sense RNA synthesis Trans-acting proteins C protein V protein P protein Transition from mRNA to antigenome synthesis

10 Can RNA secondary structure in the promoters play a regulatory role?


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