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North Korea and the world

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1 North Korea and the world
What we’re doing today Our goal is to look for possible solutions to the present problems involving North Korea and the rest of the world. We’ll start by having an introduction to current situation between North Korea and the world. Much of our work today will involve small groups We’re going to do some small-group research on issues such as: History of the North Korean nuclear weapons program Economic Sanctions and North Korea Psychological profiles of world leaders History of the Kim Dynasty Relative military strength of involved countries. The Just War Theory Reconvene and report Each group proposes at least one idea as a possible solution.

2 North Korea and the world
Nuclear weapons have been dropped “in anger” twice in the history of the world On Aug. 6, 1945 in Hiroshima, Japan (shown above), and three days later in Nagasaki

3 North Korea & Nukes North Korea successfully conducted an underground nuclear test in October, 2006. In 2017, their program is has expanded exponentially under Kim Jong un. Sept. 3, sixth nuclear weapon test, the largest ever, most likely a hydrogen bomb. July 4 & Sept. 14 – ballistic missiles launched and flying over Japan

4 North Korea and the world
What we’re doing today Then we move into role-playing. We need students to be: North Korea South Korea United States China Russia Japan The United Nations As the clock draws to 11:00 AM, we will make a list of what our options are, and then we’ll vote on them.

5 A different take on North Korea

6 The risk of nuclear war with North Korea
Interview with Evan Osnos of The New Yorker

7 North Korea and the world
Will Ripley (CNN) -- Secret State: A journey into the heart of North Korea 3:35 This program will re-air tomorrow (Sunday, Sept. 24) night at 7:00 PM CDT.

8 North Korea and the world
What does this view from Pyongyang do your image of North Korea?

9 There are currently nine countries with nuclear weapons
United States Russia United Kingdom France China India Pakistan Israel * North Korea

10 What does this photo tell you?

11 Let’s divide into groups
Comparative military strengths Just War Theory N. Korea’s Nuke Program Psychological Profiles Economic sanctions The Kim Dynasty

12 Let’s divide into groups
Pause for the cause

13 Some questions: Since North Korea is growing economically, is one possible strategy to help it further grow, thus making war more costly to it. Does North Korea have less corruption than most other countries? If so, does that make working with it easier? North Korea has little religion, but it does have communism. Is Communism like a religion? Have other communist countries moved away from the ideology quicker than countries with a strong religious presence? Citizens in North Korea seemed to be brainwashed by American standards. Is that true? Is it in any way similar to religion?

14 Possible Actions: Do nothing new (continue with current sanctions)
U.S. launches pre-emptive attack on North Korea New sanctions Lift all current sanctions; help the North Korean economy Establish diplomatic relations between U.S. and North Korea. Have the U.N. vote to expel No. Korea from U.N. Negotiate a solution with China, Russia & Japan Have special ops teams invade Pyongyang Bribe government officials Let Dennis Rodman handle everything

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