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OUR TEAM Michelle Erb, ITL
Glenn Hayes Sarah Ports Tim Wilson Liz Wyant Claire Mize, para
Our Schedule 8:30-8:45 Unpack/breakfast
8:45-9:45 Content AM (Science/Health/Social Studies) 9:45-10:45 Related Arts 10:45-12:00 ELA/Math AM **12:00-12:45 Content PM (Science/Health/Social Studies) 12:45-1:00 ELA/Math PM 1:00-2:00 Recess/Lunch 2:00-3:00 ELA/Math PM 3:00-3:15 Pack Up/Dismissal
Snack Since our lunch is late, students are able to eat a snack when we return to our classrooms after Related Arts at 10:45. Please provide a small snack. Students can save part of their breakfast as snack if they wish. Monday Folders Please make sure you look at your child’s folder and return it the next day. You don’t want to miss important info.
Student-Led Conferences
Students will facilitate meetings between the student, teacher, and parents in order to Review educational progress 2) Set (new) goals 3) Secure parent help and input with goals.
Before the Conference Students will:
Learn about student-led conferences Select sample work to share Reflect on their goals and set new goals Learn/Brainstorm ways to improve on their goals Practice!
During the Conference Participants will:
The student will present the report card and work samples. The student will share his/her reflection. The teacher will give input and comments. The parent, teacher, and student will have a conversation about what was shared and any other questions.
After the Conference Student, Teacher, and Parent Evaluation We need feedback in order to make our conferences as meaningful as possible.
Major Math Concepts for Third Grade
Whole Numbers Multiplication and Division Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry Possible Teacher Dialogue Whole Numbers: Includes rounding whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100, adding and subtracting within 1000, solving one and two-step word problems and using operational properties to explain addition and multiplication patterns Multiplication and Division: Each quarter multiplication sets of multiplication and division facts will be introduced and students will be taught efficient mental strategies. Quarter one will begin students learning to fluently multiply and divide by 2, 5, and 10. This concept also includes multiplying one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10, solving word problems using multiplication and division, determining the unknown number in multiplication and division equations and understanding basic number properties as they apply to multiplication and division Fractions: Includes understanding unit fractions (1/b), representing factions on a number line, identifying and generating equivalent fractions and comparing fractions Measurement and Data: Includes writing and telling time to the nearest minute using analog and digital clocks, solving word problems with the addition and subtraction of time, understanding the concepts of area and perimeter, creating and interpreting picture and bar graphs as well as measuring length to the nearest ¼ inch Geometry: Includes understanding the attributes of different shapes and how these attributes can be used to group shapes into different categories and partitioning shapes to create equal areas
Math Homework Weekly practice on concepts and skills will be sent home on Monday and will be due back at school on Friday.
Language Arts Units
Language Arts Homework
Homework is given out every Monday to be completed throughout the week.
Vocabulary Tests are given every Friday
Vocabulary Tests are given every Friday. To prepare for these tests your child should… Complete their vocabulary packet at school during the week. Actively participate in word work rotations during the school day. Thoroughly complete their vocabulary homework each night. Study the definitions and spelling of vocabulary words each night.
Canvas: What Your Child Will Learn
Possible Teacher Dialogue: This page can be found under the what your child will learn tab on the Canvas Parent Pages. The table shows the specific standards for each major concept area. The table also outlines during which quarter a concept will most likely be introduced. Some concepts will be introduced during one quarter and then built upon as the year goes on. There is also a link at the top of this page to take parents to above grade level content.
Thank you for coming to our Back to School Night
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