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Country report - current development in Sweden

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1 Country report - current development in Sweden
Jerker Moström Statistics Sweden

2 GISCO working group meeting 2015
International UN GGIM Bengt Kjellson Chair of UN GGIM Europe Statistics Sweden and Lantmäteriet participating in WG A and WG B Marie Haldorson chair of sub-group (WG B) GEOSTAT 2 project Statistics Sweden project coordinator Eurostat task force for integration of geography & statistics Importance of international cooperation promoted in our new strategy GISCO working group meeting 2015

3 GISCO working group meeting 2015
National Movements in open data Lantmäteriet has released small scale topographic data More data will be free of charge next year Statistics Sweden will release delimitations of localities as open data (next round of delimitation 2016) Plans to release all data within current responsibility of INSPIRE free of charge ”Hack for Sweden” No 2 successfully organised INSPIRE New Act and Ordinance on spatial information (probably during 2016). Might be a change of obligations regarding Statistics Sweden GISCO working group meeting 2015

4 Internal stuff 1 Management
Initiative for increasing spatial accuracy in registers (goals and measures for spatial quality etc) Increased accounting for spatiality in The Generic Statistical Business Process Model Reseller agreement for spatial statistics – new kind of cooperation with private companies

5 Internal stuff 2 Development
A new division for the low regional level - Substitute for/complement to SAMS (Small Areas for Market Statistics) Revision of methods for delimitation of localities Enhancing transport statistics with AIS data (Big Data initiative) Land accounting Newly published (highly recognized) official statistics retrieved from geospatial data Islands (number of islands, population etc) Statistics on urban green areas

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