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Masks, weights and flatfields

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Presentation on theme: "Masks, weights and flatfields"— Presentation transcript:

1 Masks, weights and flatfields
Roeland Masks and weights Philippe Are WFI flatfields flat? Ewout Making a supersky?

2 Masks, for what Image statistics Making weights Other,
We could do this more often Making weights weight = flat * mask for sextractor for coaddition Other, cosmic ray program

3 Different Masks Cold pixels Hot pixels Cosmic rays Satellite tracks
bias > mean(bias) + 5*rms(bias) Hot pixels flat / convolved(flat) < 0.95 Cosmic rays Satellite tracks Saturated pixels ‘low’ gain (co-addition only)

4 Current situation class ColdPixelFrame class HotPixelFrame
class MaskFrame mask = coldpixels & hotpixels class MasterWeight weight = master_flat * mask_frame class FlagFrame mask = thresh(weight) * science.cosmic() class WeightFrame weight = master_weight * flag.as_mask()

5 New situation Add all operations Use eclipse.pixelmap object
1=good, 0=bad (de)compress on-the-fly clean up class-hierarchy mess simplify ScienceFrame.make()

6 New Situation class ColdPixelMap class HotPixelMap class CosmicMap
class SatelliteMap ? class Weight weight = flat * cold&hot&cosmic&sat weight = weight * thresh(science) weight = weight * thresh(weight)

7 Error maps Weight is ‘relative error map’
Could make absolute error map and do proper propagation of errors Nice idea but, remember the applications

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