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Presentation on theme: "WELLNESS INTEGRATING NEEDS!"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Ben Carson Story

3 Proverbs 16:32 impressed him the most: “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city” RSV.

4 Terms of Reference Definition – Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that differ in attitudes, beliefs, values or needs.

5 Conflict can be a positive or negative experience – Constructive and destructive potential.
In this life there will always be conflict.

6 Research on Conflict and Its Impact on BIOLOGICAL Wellness
A Meta-Analysis of 45 Studies showed Hostility is a risk factor for Coronary Heart Disease and premature death. Type A Personality predicts Coronary Heart Disease.

7 Highly Hostile People More Reactive to Offenses than Low-Hostile People
Increased cholesterol Increased platelet clumping Decreased immune system Different Forms of Anger

8 Psychological Effects of Anger
The management of anger is the “one key issue that would explain why so many marriages, embarked upon with such high hopes, finally falter and fail.” Dr. David Mace

9 Agree or Disagree? Conflict should always be avoided.
Wives seem to initiate conflicts more than husbands. We usually follow the pattern of our parents in resolving problems.

10 Conflict Resolution Styles
Accommodate = “lose/win” Compete = “win/lose” Avoid, escape = “lose/lose” Silent treatment = cold warfare

11 Working Together Compromise = “win some/lose some.”
Collaboration= “win/win.”

12 Use these seven: 1. Compromise 2. Reconciliation 3. Peacemaking
Using a Christian Mediator

13 5. Release it to the Lord Pray a surrender prayer 7. Wait for heaven and the Millennium

14 Jacob at the Brook Jabbok

15 Transformational Communication
How do we communicate and process our problems in time of conflict without hurting each other?. How do we solve important issues so there is agreement and in the end “you win and I win”?

16 Conflicts are actually an opportunity
time for spiritual maturity and growth. How do I respond and properly communicate to difficult issues in the way that God wants me to respond? I can’t. Not without Him—the Great Communicator—, to help me.

17 How can we get to the root of anger and conflict?

18 Cain & Abel and their sacrifices

19 Cain rises up against his brother

20 The “Gentle Response” Principle
“A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.” Proverbs 15:1 Message

21 Group Discussion What part does selfishness play in initiating conflict? What is your best way of resolving a conflict in a positive way? What are some of the health dangers of conflict? WIN!

22 Personal Reflections Do you have an unresolved conflict in your life? What conflict resolution skill might you use to resolve the issue for the good of all involved? What blocks you from effective communication and problem solving? What intentional steps can you take to do something about it? WIN!

WIN! WELLNESS INTEGRATING NEEDS! “FROM TRAUMA TO TRANSFORMATION” The End ©2006, Marriage & Family Commitment Inc. Authors: Drs. John, Millie & Wes Youngberg Ilustration: Ing. Eliseo Vergara Mtz.


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