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Warm Up Pete wants to get in better shape. He has decided to create a fitness plan, but he’s not sure where to start. He’s not even sure he knows how.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Pete wants to get in better shape. He has decided to create a fitness plan, but he’s not sure where to start. He’s not even sure he knows how."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Pete wants to get in better shape. He has decided to create a fitness plan, but he’s not sure where to start. He’s not even sure he knows how to determine what a good level of fitness is. He doesn’t know which exercises to do, how often he should do them, or how long he should do them. If you were Pete, what steps would you take to create an appropriate fitness plan? In a paragraph describe the steps you would take.

2 Chapter 12 Lesson 3 Planning a Personal Activity Program
Objective: Describe the steps involved in planning a fitness program. Main Idea: Planning your physical activity can help you achieve specific fitness goals.

3 Activities you choose will depend on ….
Cost – Some activities may require expensive equipment Where you live- Flat or hilly? What is the climate? Your schedule- Are you a morning person? Your fitness level- Start slow and adjust to your fitness level Overall health- Talk to doctor before starting a new program Personal Safety

4 Exercise At Least 3 Times Each Week for Overall Health
Aerobic = at least 20 minutes each time Increases heart rate; requires oxygen Strength training = 2-3 times/week Rest between workouts to let muscles rebuild

5 Principles of Building Fitness Plan
Specificity: choosing the right types of activities to improve a given element of fitness Overload: exercising at a level that is beyond your regular daily activities Progression: gradually increasing the demands on your body Regularity: working out on a regular basis least 3 balanced workouts per week.

6 Stages of a Workout 1. Warm- Up: gentle cardiovascular activity that prepares the muscles for work 2. Workout: part of the exercise session when you are exercising at your highest peak 3. Cool-Down: low-level activity that prepares your body to return to a resting heart rate F: Frequency of workouts At least 3 exercise sessions per week I: Intensity of workouts Push yourself!!! T: Type of activity Vary your activities T: Time of workouts Cardio : min Strength Training: 30 min

7 Measure your Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
Use 2 fingers to find your pulse (not your thumb) On your neck or wrist Count the number of beats in during a 15 second period Multiply that number by 4 to find your RHR Ex. 18 beats during a 15 second period 18 x 4 = 76 beats per min.

8 Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
the maximum number of times a person’s heart should beat per minute. MHR = 220 – person’s age What is your MHR? Why does a person’s age affect the MHR? Why does it matter how fast someone’s heart beats?

9 Target Heart Rate the specific heart rate a person wants during exercise for optimal health benefits Usually have a target heart rate range Want to exercise between 60% and 85% of max. heart rate

10 Calculating Target Heart Rate
Calculate your MHR (220 – age) Calculate low end of target range: 60% MHR x .6 = ____ Calculate high end of target range: 85% MHR x .85 = ___ Find the 60-85% target range for a 30 year old person. MHR = 220 – 30 60%: 190 x .6 = 114 MHR = %: 190 x .85 = 161.5 This person should workout at an intensity that keeps his heart rate between 114 and 161 beats per minute

11 Fitness Plan Activity Create a fitness plan taking your personal needs into consideration (Cost, where you live….etc.) Also make sure you include the following: 1) Principles of Building Fitness 2) Stages of a workout Warm-Up Workout ( F.I.T.T.) Cool-Down

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