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Non-formal and FormaL Partnership in Adult Education

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Presentation on theme: "Non-formal and FormaL Partnership in Adult Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-formal and FormaL Partnership in Adult Education
Grundtvig reference number: GRU-13-C-LP-241-MH-RO With the support of the Grundtvig Learnership Programme of the European Union

2 Training ''Hand made jewelery and artwork''
Held on , Duration: 5h.each Target group: staff of both Malta Secondary Schools , active parents, Mothers`Club Facilitators: R. Ciblis (work with metal) O. Orlova ( jewellery) A. Vasiljeva (work with paper)

3 Aim of training: Introduce to the main techniques of making hand made jewellery and artworks

4 Objectives of the training:
Give basic practical skills of making hand made jewellery and artworks Raise self-confidence of the participants and broaden their comfort zone Become aware of gifted students` number at our school

5 Plan of the training PART 1. JEWELLERY/ ARTWORK
Insight into different techniques of hand made jewellery Visit exhibition of hand made jewellery made by students Practical training on hand made jewellery Practical training on hand made postcards

6 Group Group 2.

7 Group Group 2.

8 PART WORK WITH METAL Presentation on further education for students with additional qualification for artwork on the base of Malta Secondary School Practical training on metal forging making woman`s/ warrior`s bracelet; a ring


10 Group Group 2

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