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Faithful Disciples Lesson 12 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing,

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1 Faithful Disciples Lesson 12 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing,
part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Faithful Disciples Lesson 12

2 Lesson Outline Introduction A. Call the Expert B. Lesson Background
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Introduction A. Call the Expert B. Lesson Background

3 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Who Do You Call? Many court cases rely on the testimony of expert witnesses. These experts have the education, training, skill, or experience to provide specialized knowledge in a trial. The practice of calling on an expert witness in English law can be traced to the latter part of the eighteenth century. Item number: Collection: hchjjl / iStock / Thinkstock® Graphic: hchjjl / iStock / Thinkstock®

4 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Who Do You Call? In the modern legal scene, finding qualified experts has become a thriving business. In 1956, the TASA (Technical Advisory Service for Attorneys) was founded. Today TASA supplies technical and medical expert witnesses within over 10,000 categories of expertise. Click to add notes Graphic: hchjjl / iStock / Thinkstock®

5 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Who Do You Call? They may be called expert witnesses, “hired guns,” or “go-to guys.” Regardless of the name, these are the people to whom one turns in times of legal trouble. In the early church, Peter was a go-to guy of a different sort—someone in demand in the midst of difficult situations. Click to add notes Graphic: hchjjl / iStock / Thinkstock®

6 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline I. Asking the Impossible (Acts 9:36-38) A. Terrible Loss (vv. 36, 37) B. Desperate Request (v. 38)

7 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline II. Witnessing the Incredible (Acts 9:39-43) A. Loss Mourned (vv. 39) B. Loss Reversed (vv. 40, 41) C. New Births Result (vv. 42, 43)

8 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Status Update Those familiar with social media know what is meant by a “status update.” A person may recount even the most mundane events via social media. For example, someone shopping might post these status updates: Almost missed an important birthday. Heading to the mall now! Lucked out! My favorite store is having a huge sale. Don’t miss it! Item number: Collection: TCmake_photo / iStock / Thinkstock® Graphic: TCmake_photo / iStock / Thinkstock®

9 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Status Update On the other hand, the events of Acts 9:36-43 were anything but mundane occurrences. If social media were available, try to imagine the status updates those involved might write. Read the Scripture passage. Then create two or three status updates from the participants’ perspective. Click to add notes Graphic: TCmake_photo / iStock / Thinkstock®

10 Status Update Updates from the church in Joppa
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Status Update Updates from the church in Joppa Sad day here. Our beloved sister Tabitha is no longer alive. Everyone is crying. Just heard that the apostle Peter is nearby. Sending a delegation to see if he can help us. Just have to try. Unbelievable! Peter sent us out of the room and moments later presented Tabitha to us—alive again! Share this post with all of your friends! Click to add notes Graphic: TCmake_photo / iStock / Thinkstock®

11 Status Update Updates from Peter
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Status Update Updates from Peter Had such a busy schedule. Looking for some downtime. But men from a nearby town came with a strange request. Let’s see what God will do. Arriving in Joppa to a crowded vigil. Tabitha was an amazing woman! Would God raise her back to be with those here? I was moved by the Spirit to ask everyone to leave the room and to tell Tabitha to arise. What joy in this church now! Click to add notes Graphic: TCmake_photo / iStock / Thinkstock®

12 Status Update Updates from Tabitha
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Status Update Updates from Tabitha Here’s something that doesn’t happen every day. I went to bed at home and woke up at my own funeral! I have never felt so loved! My brothers and sisters in Jesus surrounded me, telling me how much I have meant to them over the years. I was ready to be with the Lord, but I see now that God was not done with me yet. So many new believers to serve! Click to add notes Graphic: TCmake_photo / iStock / Thinkstock®

13 Horizontal Visual Display this visual and then ask, “Under what circumstances would you expect a church leader to be a ‘first responder’? Why?”

14 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What one thing can you do this week to add to a godly reputation? Talking Points for Your Discussion In building a legacy for meeting physical needs In building a legacy for meeting spiritual needs Considering Matthew 5:14-16 in relation to Matthew 6:1-4 14

15 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? In what ways can you help your church improve its grief support ministry? Talking Points for Your Discussion In a visibly available capacity In a behind-the-scenes capacity 15

16 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How do you navigate the tension between expecting God to intervene and realizing that He might not? Talking Points for Your Discussion Regarding doubt (James 1:6) Regarding personal risk (Esther 4:16) Regarding the possibility that God wants to intervene through you (Ezekiel 22:30) Other 16

17 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What can your church do to capture the attention of the community for God’s glory? Talking Points for Your Discussion Considering your church’s strengths Considering your own spiritual giftedness Considering community demographics 17

18 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What are some steps to take to neutralize unjust criticism of our actions? Talking Points for Your Discussion To forestall criticism before it occurs To respond to criticism after it occurs Considering Ezra 8:24-34; Acts 11:1-18; 2 Corinthians 8:20, 21; 1 Peter 2:12; etc. 18

19 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Conclusion A. Living Legacies B. Legacy of Evil C. Prayer D. Thought to Remember

20 B- Be Like Jesus Peter was the go-to guy for the church in Joppa.
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock B- Be Like Jesus Peter was the go-to guy for the church in Joppa. But he did not want glory for himself. He wanted to be like Jesus in serving others, thereby drawing others to faith in Jesus and giving Him glory. Read the following Scriptures and decide how you can represent Jesus this week. Item number: Collection: yganko / iStock / Thinkstock® Graphic: yganko / iStock / Thinkstock®

21 B- Be Like Jesus Mark 1:35 Mark 4:35-41 Luke 5:4-10
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock B- Be Like Jesus Mark 1:35 I can be like Jesus by being a person of prayer. Mark 4:35-41 I can be like Jesus by calming others in the midst of life’s storms. Luke 5:4-10 I can be like Jesus by leading others to a higher calling in life. Click to add notes Graphic: yganko / iStock / Thinkstock®

22 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Thought to Remember Let us build our living legacies as we answer the calls of those in crisis!

23 The good fight of faith Next Week’s Lesson Copyright © 2017
Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Next Week’s Lesson The good fight of faith

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