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CRUX OF POSITIVE JOURNALISM: Communication of Masses

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Presentation on theme: "CRUX OF POSITIVE JOURNALISM: Communication of Masses"— Presentation transcript:

1 CRUX OF POSITIVE JOURNALISM: Communication of Masses

2 Pillars of True-Journalism
Truth Courage Positive attitude Self Confidence Continuous battle against corruption Creativity Self esteem Cooperative living Community welfare Challenging task Die hard spirit

3 Today we shall discuss about three pillars of success
Let us guess what are they…………….

4 But before that…..answer some of my questions
My questions are…………

5 How many of you feel proud for what you are?
I am the best but not others are worst. I can achieve any thing but not others can not achieve. I can feel happy but not at the cost of others happiness. My parents are reach but others are not poor. I may be reach in money others are reach in ideas, creativity. I can achieve any thing but can not by myself but through others help How many of you think all teachers are the great people

6 Let us share a joke…… A child, his Teacher, Principal and Parents

7 Let us know about…..the triangle of success
Self Confidence Self Esteem Cooperation

8 Let us watch a video….. Video-1
Self confidence is the root to success


10 What’s worrying me about my presentation in the morning today?
What can I do to feel more confident with you all?

11 Practice how you will deliver it
Planning = Confidence Decide what you will say Practice how you will deliver it Relax!

12 Thinking about what you will say
Who are you talking to? What do you want to achieve? What are your main messages? Illustrate with examples; stories; ideas (use visual props if you want).

13 What are the three types of self-confidence?

Diffidence Optimal SC Overconfidence PERF SELF-CONFIDENCE

15 DIFFIDENT confuse “what is” with what they “wish would be” or with what “ought to be,” see themselves as losers and act accordingly, mistakes devastate their competence, self doubts fuel self-fulfilling prophecies that create a vicious negative spiral, focus on their shortcomings and overlook their accomplishments, and are underachievers whose confidence limits their development

Competence -- possess the knowledge, strategies, skills and abilities necessary for success, Preparation – sufficiently prepared so you can successfully perform those skills and strategies in a particular competitive situation.

inflated confidence, and false confidence.

18 INFLATED CONFIDENCE People who believe they are better than they really are and have an inflated opinion of themselves and their skills. They overestimate their abilities while underestimating their opponents’ skills. Pampering from parents/coaches, playing weak competition, and excessive media hype are its primary causes. Often they are competent but don’t prepare adequately.

19 FALSE CONFIDENCE act confident on the outside but inside fear failure and are really diffident, pretend to be brash, cocky and arrogant, difficulty admitting errors and filled with excuses, difficult to coach because they won’t accept responsibility for mistakes, and normally prepare hard but lack the competence to be successful.

Performance Accomplishments Behaviors Vicarious Experiences Performance Self- Confidence Verbal Persuasion Thoughts Physiological Arousal Control

21 How do you maintain your self-confidence during a competition?

appraise situations as challenges rather than threats, develop readiness, performance and recovery plans to deal with problems, emphasize problem-focused coping strategies to reduce threat, use emotion-focused coping techniques to feel less threatened, and focus on more controllable process and performance goals.

23 At the end…. We must remember
Swami Vivekananda for his message on confidence Let us watch Video-2

24 Self Esteem/respect What is Self Esteem

25 “You can’t love others until you love yourself.”
Essence of self esteem “You can’t love others until you love yourself.”

26 How is self-esteem built & destroyed?
Building Find a good role model Praise & compliments Focus on the positive Keep criticism to a minimum Set & achieve goals Perfect your skills Destroyed Comparing yourself to others Putting yourself down Drug/Alcohol abuse ? OTHER ?

27 Tips for building Self Esteem
Identify with people, books, videos, television shows, etc., that build your self-esteem Build others – give sincere compliments often Think positively! Set and achieve goals Look your best to feel your best Eat correctly Do something for someone else! Random acts of kindness!

28 Tips for building Self Esteem
Use criticism constructively Ask for help – take advantage of learning opportunities Improve your personal living space Allow personal growth time each day Reward yourself often

29 Let us watch a cartoon ……
Boost your self esteem Go to video-4

30 Would you like to get some tips more…….
Watch this video too…………. Go to video-5

31 Learning to live together
Cooperation- The golden skill of success

32 Let us watch some video Video-6 Video-7 Video-8

33 Thank you very much….. For your cooperation and patient hearing
……………………… I am honored and obliged Shoot me mail on

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