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UKA Regional Trainers Meeting Croydon, 13th – 14th August 2010

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Presentation on theme: "UKA Regional Trainers Meeting Croydon, 13th – 14th August 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 UKA Regional Trainers Meeting Croydon, 13th – 14th August 2010
UKA Coach Education UKA Regional Trainers Meeting Croydon, 13th – 14th August 2010 Presentation prepared by: Selina Norris Presentation to: Melanie Curds Date: 18/08/2010

2 What do you want to get out of these 2 days?
Don’t want Want Information Help Expectations Skills to support - development - awkwardness Resources Familiarisation Team relations Roles Responsibilities EA relationships uCoach-access Administration books To miss the Athletics To miss dinner

3 What makes a good tutor? What good and poor practices have you observed?
Over preparation, (too much paperwork) Unreceptive to feedback Dictator Anecdotes Coach not tutor No review Unbelievers Argumentative Relevance to programme Late Putting down Time keeping Inflexible style Incorrect modelling Chipping in inappropriately or not chipping in when necessary Early finish Preparation Attire & use of notes Clarity Delivery of programme Responsive IT skills Listen Support & development tools Co-tutor relationships Enjoyment Delivery styles Climate Speed of delivery Knowledgeable Observation Evaluation Feedback

Coaching Assistant- What would the Regional Trainer do before the session? Administrator All tutors National trainer Venue? CONTACT Allocations Tutor goals Interventions and feedback (clarify examples) DISCUSS & AGREE Regional trainer or lead tutor Ensure equipment, resources and space will be provided Local knowledge on staffing, equipment available and opening hours regarding venue and location LOGISTICS Conference calls Discuss and ask what support/help you need/may need MEETING

5 What is the role of a Regional Trainer post course?
Clear up Answer and questions from participants before they leave Review Pre-course On course Post course Tutors Action Plans Paperwork, complete and return to include participant feedback forms Communication and feedback to Mel Curds, NT’s, RT’s, Tutors & Education Coordinators – (Mel they would like a feedback form template please)? Plan next course

6 Coaching Assistant- What would the Regional Trainer do during the session?
Check KPI’s and KLP’s Intervene if needed Time keeper-ultimate Look at good/poor practice Check notes Plan for review & do the small informal friendly but professional reviews along the way Deliver as planned or to suit requirements Check tutors are ok with the sessions, group, etc May support with equipment May step in on grievances, discipline, disruption to/within the course Plan transition to lead tutor to do all of the above Quality assurance Be unobtrusive Register attendees/latecomers Enable rather than a policeman

7 As a Regional Trainer what interventions would you make and when?
Delegate disruption Health and safety issues Only when relevant Timing Tutor dynamics- make it seamless Impersonal Tutor behaviours Signals During/after Get the lead tutor to do it (indirect) i.e. They can then have a quiet word as and when appropriate If serious- it needs to be dealt with off the track Note the difference between those interventions that are direct and those that are indirect. Also, although the intervention may be correct, it may result in no learning taking place. Therefore on occasions it may be better to allow the session to continue to run, and use the intervention within the review instead.

8 What have been the factors that have contributed to the successes of the tutor support for the summer course programmes? Clear allocation of sections (T1, T2 & T3) Following notes T1 & T2 Face to face meetings Communication throughout the course Feedback readily available and was provided at all stages ‘Freedom’ to change Preparation at the start of the day before the course began Always started course on time Co-tutoring- including help/time/interventions

9 What have been the challenges in supporting tutors/trainees delivering the new programme?
Terminology Sticking to the script Pitching at the right level Time Not knowing content/order Don’t switch off

10 What top tips would you give to those supporting tutors/trainees delivering on the new programme?
Mix ‘Old and New’ for those who have tutored before Be aware of favourite topics Just do it Get trainees involved early Allow the Regional Trainer to open and close the course to allow the trainee/tutor time to settle in/compose themselves/etc.

11 For further information please contact:
Selina Norris, Coaching and Development Administrator T: , E: UK Athletics, Athletics House, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 8AJ

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