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Welcome Mentor Twilight:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Mentor Twilight:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Mentor Twilight: 28.11.17
Final Year School Based Training (BA Primary) Welcome Jackie Hannay, Jess Baines-Holmes, Kathy Clements

2 Twilight Session Outline:
Headlines SBT 3 handbook – weekly schedule Professional development & e portfolio (including action planning and PH form) Expectations for planning Assessment of trainees Top tips!

3 Headlines All trainees exceeded minimum standards
68% attained a Grade 1 overall 96% of trainees rated the quality of their school-based training as very good 96% of trainees said that verbal and written feedback from their mentors was effective in supporting their critical evaluation of lessons

4 Primary Partnership Priorities for 2017/18
To further support trainee wellbeing and teacher retention by embedding the Independent Teacher Workload Review Group recommendations; To further develop the quality of training following the Post-Carter Review Group recommendations; To further improve trainee progress and attainment in: Teachers’ Standard 3a: Teaching of early reading; Teachers’ Standard 5: Adapting teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils; Teachers’ Standard 6: Make accurate and productive use of assessment. So that: Trainees are equipped to improve outcomes for all learners with particular attention to diminishing difference; Trainees have appropriate skills and knowledge to be well prepared for their NQT year and a career in teaching.

5 What’s new Where SBT3 sits in the academic year Giving something back
Weekly evaluation

6 Introduction to SBT3 Handbook:
Useful information Aims & Expectations Professional development Assessment of trainees

7 Appendices: Tasks and PLOs
Essential TASKS to be completed 1: School Context 2: Behaviour Management 3: Pupil Progress Review (PPR) 4: Maths Optional Professional Learning Opportunities – selected according to prior experience and professional needs 4:Mathematics 5: SSP/Phonics 6: EAL 7: SEND 8: Languages

8 Appendices continued 9: Working in Partnership to Train the Next Generation of Teachers (links between university and school-based training) 10: PebblePad Comment Guide for Mentors 11: Weekly Mentor Meetings Schedule 12: DfE Teachers’ Standards

9 Aims of the final SBT To provide trainees with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for them to become a reflective and critical teacher. They will evaluate their experiences and identify professional strengths and needs, as the basis for continued professional development linked explicitly to the Teachers’ Standards.

10 Weekly Overview of Expectations



13 Key Dates Monday 27th November to 16th March 2018 (13 wks) Christmas Break: Same as the host school Assessment points: Interim Report (Form PB) 12th January 2018 Final Report (Form PC) 23rd February 2018

14 Professional Development
Professional development is evidenced by the professional school file and the e-Portfolio (PebblePad)

15 The Action Planning Cycle
From Action Plan Mentor meeting Weekly evaluation and preparation for mentor meeting Planning lessons and activities Evaluating learning

16 PH Form Record of mentor meetings with a checklist for the weekly review. The trainee should complete this form! Weekly evaluation of PAP targets. Completed by trainee prior to the weekly meeting. Trainees should take notes in this section to record the key ideas arising from the discussion. See ‘mentor meeting checklist’ for useful set of prompts to guide discussion. Future targets and actions linked to the standards for PAP.

17 Professional action plan
Targets Clearly written, centred on learning (possibly formulated from grading descriptors) Review date e.g. 2 weeks in to SBT for first set of targets and weekly review in every mentor meeting (PH). Initially based upon previous feedback (PC) and review of the Standards Once on SBT, based upon feedback from mentors and university tutors Actions Relevant and specific to the learning target A range (where appropriate) of activities including: people to talk to, things to read, observations and how to implement this in practice


19 Expectations for planning
Expectation that final year trainees are now able to plan in detail; Students can use the school’s own planning proforma and adapt it as long as they ensure coverage of the core elements (see next slide) Trainee must add boxes A and B from the university lesson plan proforma to school plans to ensure pupil progress is planned for and evaluated against trainee targets. Alternatively, trainees could choose to use the university detailed weekly plan. A mentor may at any point instruct trainees to revert to more detailed planning

20 Core elements for lesson plans
Teacher development focus Lesson Context Objectives and outcomes Prior knowledge and skills Learning plan Assessment Meeting individual needs Evaluation and Reflection

21 Insert box A & B to school or weekly plan

22 Insert box A & B to school or weekly plan

23 Weekly Plan example

24 Assessment of trainee progress
School mentors and university tutors assess at agreed points Progress is graded (1, 2, 3 or 4) against the UoB Grading Descriptors An overall grade is given using a ‘best fit’ approach If progress is grade 4 or does not meet requirements for Part 2 of the TSs/Code of Conduct this triggers the ‘Enhanced Support’ process (PD). School mentor will complete a trainee progress report (PA) on at least three occasions. At least one, but preferably two of these will be joint with the University Tutor.

25 Making judgements and grading according to the UoB grading descriptors
Grades should relate to the trainees’ performance in relation to being final year trainees Grading should take all areas of the trainees practice into account: Observations Professional school file/ e-portfolio General aspects such as professionalism and engagement Grades are moderated during university tutor visits

26 During School Based Training
Interim report (PB) sent to UoB & university tutor. Trainee uploads to e-Portfolio. Grades are used to identify need for additional support 12th January Final report (PC) sent to UoB & university tutor. Trainee uploads to e-Portfolio. 23rd February

27 Top Tips to support trainees’ progress
Potential actions for trainees include: Planning with class teacher (including identification of key subject knowledge) Additional observations of trainee’s subject knowledge using developmental feedback form (PK) Coached observations of other teachers’ practice Observing a lesson and then teaching same lesson to own class Repeating lesson with different class Video of trainee and playback with coaching Rewriting plan and sharing with mentor / UT

28 External examiner visits
External Examiners visit a number of trainees towards the end of the school based training . Part of university’s quality assurance process They observe the trainee teach, scrutinise files and discuss experiences on SBT. Takes no more than 90 minutes You will be notified in advance Drawn from a range of achievements, age phases and routes 5 in total visits will be on 22nd/23rd (4) I will visit to monitor and evaluate ‘giving something back’ on 1st and 2nd March.

29 Please alert us to any concerns!
SBT3 - Points of Contact The University Tutor The Partnership office Any concerns, please contact Jackie Hannay Alison Hermon Keith Triggs Full contact details in the Y3 SBT Handbook Please alert us to any concerns!

30 Forms and where to find them…
A reminder that all forms are available online Forms are available as a hardcopy in the PPiE handbook online. Once completed, forms should be shared with the UoB Partnership Office, university tutor and trainee. Please alert us to any issues as soon as possible

31 Thank you Mentor / Trainee time
Please use the rest of this time to discuss the SBT with your trainee & to raise any questions with Jackie, Jess and Kathryn. Thank you

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