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Location, Location, Location

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1 Location, Location, Location
GEOGRAPHY We will be studying deserts in our geography work this half term Music We are going to performing a musical piece based on Planet Earth with other schools. RE We will be studying Sikhism and hope to visit a local Gudwara P.E This half term we are developing our core fitness and yoga skills on Tuesdays and on Thursdays we will be learning to play tennis. FRENCH We have a weekly French session where we will be learning basic vocabulary. This will include the elements needed to begin a simple conversation. Location, Location, Location LITERACY This half term a lot of our literacy work will be focused on our topic. We will be writing explanations and play scripts. There will also be regular reading and spelling sessions. MATHS Our maths work will cover the usual range of topics including problem solving, fractions, statistics and measure. We will also be regularly practising our times table and mental maths skills. ICT This half term we hope to develop children multi media skills by filming our plays.

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