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Presentation on theme: "MENTAL HEALTH AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:

INTEGRATION OF PEOPLE WITH PSYCHOSOCIAL DISABILITY Rajaram Subbian Guru Raghavendra Sujatha Gopi « Basic Needs India » Bangalore, INDIA

2 MAGNITUDE OF PWMI 1- 2% of any population has severe mental illness
In India, minimum of 13 million live in this condition Less than 10 % of them either have access to treatment Rural & uneducated families opt for non-scientific and traditional treatment methods In 2013, 31 million Healthy life years were lost due to mental disorders India has 3000 Psychiatrists; 400 Psychiatric Social Workers; 700 Psychologists and 800 Psychiatric Nurses

3 MI & Chronicity leading to Psychosocial Disability
MI often affects the young Mostly slow onset Myths, Misconception, Stigma & Ostracism keep them locked up in isolation Late recognition of the need for treatment Non-availability of MH services and non-accessibility delay treatment Often, only medical management is offered

Disability experience of people with mental illness and the direct/indirect restrictions on community participation due to their mental health conditions… These restrictions include the loss/ reduced abilities to function, think clearly, experience full physical health and manage the social and emotional aspects of their lives…

5 Basic Needs India BNI Works with poor and disadvantaged Persons With Mental Illness (PWMI) & families. BNI works primarily in rural areas, working with 30 partner organizations in 30 districts in 6 states, touched the lives of 20,296 PWMI and their families. Working with Chris Underhill, Naidu (of BNI) evolved CMHD model by ‘consulting’ PWMI and their carers It has five components

6 Community mental health – Building access for affordable treatment
Capacity building – of stake holders at various levels Sustainable life skills – involving PWMI + Families towards effective reintegration Research, policy and advocacy – Building evidences to advocate/change policy Administration and management – develop sustainable system to ensure quality and optimum utilization of resources

7 PROCESS Identify Active Local Organizations, consult them and strengthen Partnership through training Partner Organizations (PO) interact with Community, build awareness and generate Volunteers BNI Train Volunteers and staff as mentors (in Identification + Psychoeducation + Supervision)

8 Volunteers work with Identified Persons with Mental Illness and offer psycho-education to their families Persons WMI + Families are introduced to DPOs or PO initiates Family Support Group (FSG) DPO/FSG, community + CBO take advocacy ahead and secure Government benefits Process of Psychosocial Reintegration of PWMI is demonstrated through Reintegration Camp with community participation

9 Lessons learnt that is common to working with all Disabilities

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11 Mental Health & Mental Illness is a Continuum…
We all are scattered on it with factors such as Heredity, Socio-cultural disadvantages, Poverty, Disability, Neuro-bio-chemical Challenges, Stresses… + ve Mental Health Mental Illness There is NOBODY 100% always ‘Normal’

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13 6 CONVICTIONS in Humanitarian Work
Human beings are good by nature We have capacity more than we require We exhibit our capacity within limitations Human behavior, in general, is predictable Human behavior can be modified Working through an Individual, Family or Group or by altering the situation, behavior can be changed

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15 Help Break Barriers Self-made External factors.. By Community
By Family Self-made

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17 Extended Family/ Friends
Community SUSTAINABLE Organic SUPPORT Extended Family/ Friends Family Person

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19 Everyone has mental health/psychosocial issues… they are more in PWD than non disabled
Their and carers’ psychosocial well-being is vital to strengthen social support system It is mandatory for DPOs and CBR Workers to learn Basic counseling skills, to listen, empathize, help ventilate, build confidence and be supportive to PWD and their carers

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21 For Psychosocial Reintegration
Budgeting, independent functioning, vocational skills, new IG skills COMPLEX SKILLS Roles, responsibilities, social relationship, cooking, shopping, commuting… ADVANCED SKILLS Personal care, hygiene, communication, money handling, mobility… BASIC SKILLS


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