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General Laboratory & Practical Work Safety Guidelines

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Presentation on theme: "General Laboratory & Practical Work Safety Guidelines"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Laboratory & Practical Work Safety Guidelines

2 General No Eating & Drinking
Dress safely (especially in workshop) in order to avoid unsafe act

3 General Familiarize the escape route

4 General Familiarize the evacuation procedure and fire escape plan

5 General Follow the instruction of module lecturer or Lab-in-charge for evacuation in case of fire or emergency occurred Familiarize the location of fire extinguisher and first aid box Follow module lecturers or Lab-in-charge instruction during the Lab sessions and Lab related activities

6 Safe Use of Electricity
Do not overload the socket outlet Switch off the power supply after use

7 Safe Use of Electricity
Check the equipment before use. Inform Lab-in-charge or module lecturers if some defective equipment and accessories found Use single and dry hand to switch off the power and remove the plug from socket outlet

8 Safe Use of Electricity
Wear protective hand glove if necessary Ask your supervisors or module lecturers or Lab-in-charge to check the connected circuit of your Laboratory work before switch on the power supply

9 Housekeeping Keep all the desk clear after use
Your belonging and chair should not obstruct the escape route

10 Safety Color Code (I)

11 Safety Color code (II)

12 Safety color code (III)

13 Other Follow the safety instruction in the Workshop when you have in-house practical training classes or workshop related activities Follow the safety instruction in the Training Centre when you have external practical training classes

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