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4 4 Inspiration: “Be who you are meant to be and you will set the world on fire.” (St. Catherine of Siena)

5 5 Matthew “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

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8 8 Inspiration: “In the time of their visitation they will shine forth, and will run like sparks through the stubble… Those who trust in Him will understand truth, and the faithful will abide with Him in love… and He watches over his elect.” (Wisdom 3.7-9)

9 9

10 Agenda for the balance of the day:
10 Agenda for the balance of the day: Light the Match Spark Kindling Light Warmth Energy Heat Renewal Fanning the Flames Hospitality of the Hearth Pass the Flame Wildfire

11 11 LEAGUE PRAYER We humbly prayer You, O God our Father,
to bless The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Bless our beloved country, our homes and families. Send Your Holy Spirit upon us to give light to our minds and strength to our wills that we may know and fulfill Your great law of charity. Teach us to share with others, at home and abroad, the good things You have given us. This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel. Amen

12 12 Mission Statement The Catholic Women’s League of Canada
is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.

13 The Objects of the League shall be to unite Catholic Women of Canada:
13 The Objects of the League shall be to unite Catholic Women of Canada: to achieve individual and collective spiritual development 2. to promote the teachings of the Catholic church 3. to exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life 4. to protect the sanctity of human life continued…

14 14 … continued 5. to enhance the role of women in church and society
6. to recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere 7. to uphold and defend Christian education and values in the modern world 8. to contribute to the understanding and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony

15 15 Crest The blue cross is symbolic of faith and is set above 10 gold maple leaves, symbolic of Canada’s 10 provinces. These are set inside the inner white circle.

16 16 Our Lady of Good Counsel
All councils and members are encouraged to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel on or around April 26th every year.

17 17 CWL History The CWL began in Edmonton in 1912 to provide protection and support to women and girls, especially immigrants seeking work in Edmonton Councils were formed in the major cities of Montreal (1917), Toronto (1918) and Halifax (1919). The first conference was held in Montreal and on June 17, 1920, The Catholic Women’s League of Canada was founded and placed under the patronage of the Canadian hierarchy.

18 Composition of the League
18 Composition of the League Levels: Parish (Zone/Regional) Diocesan Provincial National

19 Four Different Categories of Membership
19 Four Different Categories of Membership General Associate Life Honorary Life

20 Spiritual Advisor – Pastor of Parish Officers:
20 Spiritual Advisor – Pastor of Parish Officers: President President-elect (Organization) Vice-Presidents (Spiritual or Other) Secretary(s) Treasurer Past President Executive: Officers and standing committee chairpersons

21 21 Responsibilities of Council Executive Meet regularly
Report regularly Include elements of faith, fun and fulfillment in each meeting

22 Responsibilities of Members
22 Responsibilities of Members Pay annual membership fees Be active participants at parish level Through study, better understand the church’s teachings Recruit new members

23 23 The Purpose of the Meetings To set policy and report executive activities to the members

24 24 How Do We Pay for This? Membership includes Per Capita Fees for
Parish Diocesan Provincial National What does your council do with its portion of the membership fee?

25 25

26 26 Inspiration: “I am with you always…” (Matt )

27 27 Kindling Constitution and Bylaws National Manual of Policy and Procedure Executive Handbook Leading the League The Canadian League Be League Parliamentary Procedure

28 National Web Site Information
28 National Web Site Information Home About Us Membership News Archives Store Events Resolutions Media Executive & Staff

29 29 Additional Resources DVD – For God and Canada Life members Past executive members at all levels Spiritual advisors

30 30 Health Break

31 31

32 32 Inspiration: “If then your whole body is full of light, with no part of it in darkness, it will be as full of light as when a lamp gives you light with its rays.” (Luke 11.36)

33 33 “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” (St. Therese of Lisieux)

34 34 Prayer is the living relationship of the children of God with their Father who is good beyond measure, with his Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2565)

35 35 Meeting Expectation 1/3 spiritual 1/3 business 1/3 social

36 36 “You are the light of the world… let your light shine before others.” (Matthew 5:14-16)

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38 38 Inspiration: What does sisterhood mean to you?

39 39

40 40 Lunch Break

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42 42 Inspiration: If every standing committee had a chairperson at every level of the League in Canada today, the number of committed volunteers would total 16,228.

43 43 Opening Prayer: O Lord, may we be instruments of Your hope and healing. Lord, You are the source of all life and love. Let the fire of Your love burn within us as we do your work; this we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen

44 44 Standing Committees: Chairpersons shall be elected; if insufficient are elected, appointments may be made by the president in consultation with the executive. In order to allow councils maximum flexibility, each council shall determine the number of standing committees it requires, which shall include spiritual development and organization.

45 45 Standing Committees: Spiritual Development Organization
Christian Family Life Community life Education and Health Communications Resolutions Legislation Parish Activities (parish level only)

46 Celebrating Accomplishments: Annual reports are useful tools to:
46 Celebrating Accomplishments: Annual reports are useful tools to: Celebrate accomplishments. Raise the pride of our members and impress our parishes. Promote good ideas. Attract new members. Inform the bishops, government and society.

47 Antidote or Aids to Celebrating Accomplishments:
47 Antidote or Aids to Celebrating Accomplishments: Monthly, as the year evolves, fill out an “Achievement Chart”, “What happened? Where does this activity fit?” Once a year, prepare a list. Would a social event help?

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49 49 Inspiration: “Policies are established, programs are planned, or concerns and issues are expressed through resolutions.” Executive Handbook

50 50 Resolutions: A Response to God’s Plan Resolutions can be a powerful tool to “infuse a Christian spirit into the temporal order.” Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity

51 Where do resolutions go when adopted?
51 Where do resolutions go when adopted? first parish council meeting second diocesan annual meeting third provincial annual meeting fourth national annual meeting Important: resolutions are acted upon once adopted by a vote at the highest level to which the resolution was directed.

52 How to write a resolution?
52 How to write a resolution? Resolution Income Tax Credit for Children's Participation in Arts and Cultural Activities Submitted by: Manitoba Provincial Council Whereas, There is no income tax credit for children's participation in arts and cultural activities, similar to that for fitness activities; and Whereas, The cost of participation in children's arts and cultural activities restricts access to these programs; and Whereas, Children's participation in arts and cultural activities contributes to the development of the child and benefits the economy and cultural mosaic of Canada; therefore, be it Resolved, That the national council of The Catholic Women's League of Canada, in 90th annual national convention assembled, urge the federal government to implement a tax credit for children's participation in arts and cultural activities equal to the tax credit available for fitness activities.

53 53 Closing Prayer Lord, you have been with us as we shared and learned about resolutions in our service to You. Continue to guide us and direct us as we work for You and Your people. Amen

54 54

55 55 Inspiration: Working Through Resistance

56 56 Opening Prayer God Our Father,
We are all your children. Each one of us has worth. None of us go unnamed by you. Yet, too often, we forget that about ourselves and about our sisters in the League. Help us to recall whose children we are. Help us to honour one another in what we say and do. Help us to hold fast to one another that none may walk alone. In the name of Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

57 57 What is the effect? That was a wonderful speech. Your report was too long. Who told you to do that? Have you ever done that before?

58 Situations and How to Handle Them:
58 Situations and How to Handle Them: Your newly-elected president calls for a vote before a motion is seconded. At a meeting you are unable to hear what is being said. A new member suggests that the council try something that they have never tried before. Two members are chatting during a presentation.

59 59 Prayer of St. Francis: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen.

60 60 Health Break

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62 62 Inspiration: Recruit, Retain, Re-member

63 Think of the letters of the CWL
63 Think of the letters of the CWL Caring Worshiping Loving

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65 65 Inspiration: “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road?” (Luke 24:32)

66 66 Left Side: May the strength of God’s love sustain our hope as we enter into the pain of our world. Right Side: May the clear light of Our Lady of Good Counsel’s guidance be a source of effective discernment and decision-making for us. LS: May the patient endurance of Jesus be ours as we wait for what is unknown to be revealed. RS: May the steady flame of the Holy Spirit’s goodness within us convince us every day of the power of the Spirit’s presence in others. LS: May the joyful fire of the Spirit dance within us and set happiness ablaze in our lives. RS: May the spark of our relationship with our sisters in the League catch afire in the hearts with whom we live and work. LS: May we be mindful of the Eternal Flame within us. May we rely on this Source of Love to be our constant ally and steady guide. All: Amen! Taken & adapted from Out of the 2000, by Joyce Rupp, page 200. Used by permission of Ave Maria press. All rights reserved.

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70 70 Inspiration: The light of Christ be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.


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