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Argumentative Research

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1 Argumentative Research

2 Accessing from Off Campus
When you access ebooks or the databases from off campus, a screen will appear asking for your last name and password. Your password is a combination of the first four letters of your last name, first four letters of your first name, and the last four digits of your KC ID.

3 Example So if your name is Jamie Cruze and your KC ID is , you would enter the following: Last name: Cruze Password: cruzjami6789

4 Finding Books Go to the KC Library web site at Click on the tab for Catalog Enter your term(s) Search Review the results


6 Under the tab for Catalog, enter search terms in the search box. Search

7 Review the results

8 The Call Number tells you where to find the book on the shelf

9 eBooks Electronic format
Can be viewed from any computer connected to the Internet Use the Search box the same way you would use an Index in the back of a print book

10 eBooks: Click on eBooks under Find Books
Click here

11 Click on the ebooks icon
Click the icon

12 Enter your search terms. Be sure to click on the box for Full Text.
Enter search terms C

13 Click on Full Text to view the book
Click here

14 Click on Search within Click here

15 Enter your search terms
Enter search terms

16 Click on a page number to go to that page

17 Don’t forget the citation information!
English students must create their citations using The Little, Brown Compact Handbook. Other classes may be allowed to use the Cite feature. Ask your instructor which format is required for use in your class.

18 English: Click on Contents, then Detailed Record
Click here Click here

19 English: Use the Detailed Record to create your citation

20 Other: Click on the Cite icon

21 Other: Scroll down to the designated format
Other: Scroll down to the designated format. Copy and paste to your citations page

22 Why should I use a database instead of the Internet?

23 Databases Anyone can create an Internet site.
Internet sites are not always reliable. Databases contain information from reliable sources. Databases contain accurate information.

24 Databases

25 Use the drop down box under the Databases tab to select a database

26 Enter your search terms
Enter search terms Click this box

27 Databases If your search terms are more than one word, try placing them in quotation marks so the database will search for the terms as a phrase: “gun control” Or, try a phrase and another term: “gun control” AND crime

28 Review the results Click on Full Text to read the article.

29 Click Full Text to view the article

30 Read

31 Click on Detailed Record or Cite to get the citation information
English classes Other classes

32 English: Detailed Record

33 Other: Citation Format

34 To keep the article: Print it out Save it to a flash drive
Send it to your Remember: Be sure you get all of the information you will need for the bibliography (Works Cited)!

35 Opposing Viewpoints This database is excellent for research because it gives articles on more than one side of an issue. In any argument, you need to know what the opposition thinks, so that you can be prepared to counter their points.

36 Select Opposing Viewpoints

37 Opposing Viewpoints

38 Select a Topic

39 Or, enter a topic in the Search box
Enter search terms

40 Review the results

41 Click on a subject area to bring up a list of articles
Click here

42 Click on a Title to read the article

43 Read

44 Citation information is at the bottom of the page

45 Or, Click on Citation Tools
Click here

46 Download Click here

47 Citation *Whether or not you include the URL will be up your instructor.

48 The Little, Brown Compact Handbook
Just because the database says the citation it provides is in MLA format does not mean it is correct. Check everything against what is in The Little, Brown Compact Handbook (LBH). If it doesn’t agree with what is in the LBH, it will be counted off on your grade.

49 For more help Ask-A-Librarian: email reference service
Call the Library: Ask any librarian at the KC Library

50 Good Luck!

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