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Senate 10.31.16.

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Presentation on theme: "Senate 10.31.16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senate

2 Agenda Approval of Minutes and Agenda
Discussion on the Accessibility of Campus Leadership Opportunities Approval of Director of Elections Honor Council Referendum Vote on U-Court Constitutional Changes Senator Presentations Higher Education and the Presidential Candidates Announcement: Take advantage of the Communications Committee! Costume Contest!

3 Increasing Leadership Accessibility at Rice
SA Student Access and Success Report 21% of L.I.S. report inability to participate in leadership opportunities due to financial costs associated with them, as opposed to 7% Specifically SA/College President Senate support Overarching goal to increase accessibility Ideas? Solutions and qualifying positions

4 Honor Council Proposed Constitutional Changes
Monday, October 31, 2016

5 Current Composition:

6 Proposed Composition:

7 Statute of Limitations:
*Proposed language

8 Anti-Hazing and Anti-Discrimination policies:
Nondiscrimination Policy: This organization shall not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, disability, or veteran status. Anti-Hazing Policy: This organization shall not engage in any form of hazing, as defined by the Code of Student Conduct and any other applicable Rice University rules and regulations.

9 University Court Bylaw Amendments
Proposed: October 24, 2016

10 Amendment 1: Amend §II.1.c to read (changes in bold):
c. Two new student representatives. These representatives will be selected through an application and interview process at the beginning of each academic year. The process will be conducted by the Vice-Chair in consultation with the Chair. The Vice-Chair will recommend candidates to the Chair, who will make the final selection. After completing the Court’s annual training workshop or observing two hearings (preliminary or formal), new student representatives will become eligible to vote.

11 Amendment 2: That §I.3 of the Bylaws be amended to read (changes in bold):
Section 3: If a college has not selected its college representative by the beginning of the last week before the Court’s scheduled turnover or the last week of spring semester classes, whichever is earlier, the incoming Chair may, at his or her discretion, treat the position as vacant and fill it in accordance with Article III of the University Court Constitution.

12 Amendment 3: That §I.6 of the Bylaws be amended to read (changes in bold)
Section 6: Members may study abroad during the spring semester of their term. Temporary vacancies created by members studying abroad will be filled as outlined in Article III (Vacancies) of the University Court Constitution. Members in good standing during the fall semester who are abroad during the spring semester may, with the approval of the Chair, be considered existing members for the purposes of officer candidacy.

13 Amendment 4: That §§11 and 12 be added to Article I of the Bylaws and read:
Section 11: The Court, by a vote at least two-thirds of the total membership and with the approval of both the outgoing and incoming Chair, may grant exceptions to study abroad restrictions for members, including officers, who make arrangements prior to their election or appointment to split their term with another person in the same position such that each person serves one semester of the term. An officer who is part of such an agreement but who is not abroad during the semester in which he or she is not in office will serve as an at-large member for that semester. Exceptions are not available for Section 7’s restrictions on the Chair other than to allow an officer already studying abroad pursuant to this section to seek election as Chair. Such an exception must be separately granted at the time the officer seeks election as Chair and is available only if the officer will have returned from abroad prior to taking office as Chair. Section 12: Members are required to complete the Court’s annual training workshop in order to be eligible to serve as voting members in judicial proceedings. Members who do not complete the workshop for any reason will instead be required to observe two hearings (preliminary or formal), after which they will become eligible to vote.

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