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English Homework Elementary

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1 English Homework Elementary
Homework 29 May - 2 June

2 Teacher. Miguel Ramírez
1°B Primaria Monday 29 Tuesday 30 Wendnesday 31 Thursday 1 Friday 2 Cut and paste the next things: People dancing People skating People jumping Something flying Recorta y pega gente bailando, patinando, brincando y cosas volando Do you have a shelf in your house? Tellme what’s on and what’s under the shelf Tienes una repisa en casa? Dime que hay sobre ella y que hay debajo de ella Ask the next simple questions What’s your name? What’s your favorite color? How old are you? Can you tell me the difference Between the words “this” and “that”’? Write the answer Puedes decirme la diferencia entre las palabras “this”and “that”? Escribe la respuesta Worksheets

3 Teacher. INGLES 1°A Primaria Tuesday Assign Workbook page 80 Wednesday
Monday Assign Workbook pages 86 – 87 Tuesday Assign Workbook page 80 Wednesday Assign Workbook page 89-91 Thursday Assign Workbook page 92 Friday Assign Workbook page 93

4 Teacher. INGLES 2° Primaria Monday Workbook pages 86 -87 Tuesday
Wednesday Workbook page 89 Thursday Workbook pages Friday Workbook page 92

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Memorize the vocabulary from unit 9 Field trip homework The students will bring markers, cardboard, and masking tape. The students will bring, One ingredient to prepare a sausage cocktail. (cada alumno traera un ingrediente distinto) se le asignara por separado. Homework Science experiement The students will bring a Maicena box. New. -1 caja de maicena nueva - 1 recipiente mediano -1 globo -1 botellita de agua, vacia. The students will study the vocabulary and memorize it.

6 Mr. ortiz 4th grade homework
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Memorize the vocabulary from unit 9 Field trip homework The students will bring markers, cardboard, and masking tape. The students will bring, One ingredient to prepare a sausage cocktail. (cada alumno traera un ingrediente distinto) se le asignara por separado. Homework Science experiement The students will bring a Maicena box. New. -1 caja de maicena nueva - 1 recipiente mediano -1 globo -1 botellita de agua, vacia. The students will study the vocabulary and memorize it.

7 Teacher. Pedro Vargas 5° Primaria vocabulary MONDAY TUESDAY
vocabulary TUESDAY Review for text WEDNESDAY text THURSDAY Checkpoints units 7-9 FRIDAY TURN ALL THE HOME WORK FROM THE WEEK

8 Teacher. Pedro Vargas 6° Primaria Content connections MONDAY TUESDAY
TUESDAY Writing, to write a movie review WEDNESDAY Values, to learn the value of appreciating different opinions THURSDAY Project,to create an opinion map FRIDAY TURN ALL THE HOMEWORK FROM THE WEEK

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