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Exam Day: ____________ Exam Date: ____________ Exam Time: ____________

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1 Exam Day: ____________ Exam Date: ____________ Exam Time: ____________
Name: ____________________________________________ Period: Fall 2017 Exam Review Exam Day: ____________ Exam Date: ____________ Exam Time: ____________ Directions: Complete this review booklet according to your teachers’ instructions ”x5” index cards and a single quart-sized Ziploc are required. CULTURE CULTURE REGION an area of the world in which many people share similar beliefs, history, and languages GLOBALIZATION OF CULTURE the spread of US music, sports, and traditions to other countries MULTICULTURISM an acceptance of many cultures instead of just one “MELTING POT” the US is considered a “melting pot” when referring to the culture of the United States – this is because the US is a blend of cultures from all around the world RELIGION (Know the religious symbol for each of the following religions – both the name and what it looks like.) CHRISTIANITY – holy symbol Cross ISLAM – Crescent Moon and Star JUDAISM – holy symbol Star of David HINDUSIM - AUM

tells where a place is ABSOLUTE LOCATION the exact spot on Earth where a place is example – when you give someone your street address MOVEMENT when people, goods, or ideas move from one place to another example – when your family moves from one area to settle in another area REGION a group of places that have physical features or human characteristics in common examples – the Middle East, the Sahara Desert, and Latin America HUMAN ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION (HEI) the interaction between humans and their environment how humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the world around them example – when humans clear land to build a school or parking lot GENERAL GEOGRAPHY COMPASS ROSE – a symbol on a map that helps you determine direction HEMISPHERE – half the globe EQUATOR the Equator divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres the Equator passes through South America, Africa, and Asia the Equator does NOT pass through the Arctic Ocean PRIME MERIDIAN the special longitude line that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole through the town of Greenwich, England. the Prime Meridian divides the Earth into the Western and Eastern hemispheres CARTOGRAPHER someone that makes maps PHYSICAL MAP the type of map that helps you locate landforms and bodies of water POLITICAL MAP the type of map that shows features that humans have created on Earth’s surface MAP PROJECTION a way of showing the Earth’s curved surface on a flat map

the best resource for finding where Muleshoe, Texas is located GLOBE the most accurate representation of the world PUSH FACTORS problems in a place that would make you want to move away examples – poverty, overcrowding, lack of jobs, and a poor school system PULL FACTORS advantages in another place that would make you want to live there examples – educational opportunities, peace, and freedom TRANSPORTATION BARRIER a geographic feature that prevents or slows transportation example – a river, a desert, a mountain range TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR a path that makes transportation easier example – a canal, a river, a peninsula UNITED STATES – the US is north of the Equator and west of the Prime Meridian AUSTRALIA – Australia is south of the Equator and east of the Prime Meridian FORMS OF GOVERNMENT UNLIMITED GOVERNMENT a government in which the leaders have almost absolute power examples – Cuba (Communist) DEMOCRACY the form of government where the power is in the hands of the people example – it was first invented by the Ancient Greeks REPUBLIC a form of government where citizens elect representatives to manage the government invented by the Ancient Romans example – the United States DEMOCRACY vs. REPUBLIC In a Republic, representatives are elected to make decisions. In a Democracy, every free, adult, male, citizen, that owned land could vote.

a form of government where most or all property is owned by the government and is supposed to be shared by all examples – Cuba, China, Soviet Union (during/after WWII) THEOCRACY God is recognized as the supreme ruler; ruled by priests or religious officials acting in the name of God example – Vatican City GENERAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT the people and groups within a society that have the authority to make laws and make sure they are carried out US CONSTITUTION the basis of all US laws CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT a formal change to the US Constitution BILL of RIGHTS the special name for the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution CITIZENSHIP Membership in a country or community with rights, responsibilities, and duties RIGHTS the things you can do as a citizen of the United States examples found in the Bill of Rights – freedom of speech and religion, right to vote, right to bear arms RESPONSIBILITIES the things you should do as a citizen of the United States examples – recycling, casting an informed vote, be nice DUTIES the things you must do as a citizen of the United States examples – obey laws, pay taxes, attend jury duty

the person that brings together the natural resources, labor resources, and capital resources to produce goods and provide services. NATURAL RESOURCES the raw materials needed to make goods examples – land, water, minerals, soil LABOR RESOURCES the skilled and knowledgeable workers needed to make goods or provide services CAPITAL RESOURCES machines, factories, and supplies needed in the production of goods and services ECONOMICS is the study of how people manage their resources to fulfill their wants/needs CONSUMER people who use goods and services SCARCITY the conflict between the consumer’s wants and the limited availability of a product COMPETITION the rivalry between businesses to sell the most an make the greatest profit example – to sell more of their product, a business might try to improve their product to make it more desirable to the consumer IMPORT products brought into a country from another country EXPORT products sold to another country PROFIT the money that remains after the costs of production are paid GOODS the “stuff” that people buy SERVICES any “action” you might pay for SUPPLY the amount of a product that sellers have available at a certain time and place DEMAND the quantity of goods that consumers are willing to purchase at a given price

6 COMMAND ECONOMY a type of economy where the government decides how many of which goods are produced and sets prices; business owners have NO CONTROL over the businesses in a command economy example – communist countries MARKET ECONOMY an economy that allows business owners to complete in the market with little government interference example – the United States

7 EXECUTIVE BRANCH their main job is to enforce laws the President and his cabinet are part of this branch LEGISLATIVE BRANCH the Senate and House of Representatives are both part of this branch their main job is to make laws and control taxes and spending JUDICIAL BRANCH their main job is to decide if laws agree with the US Constitution the Supreme Court is part of this branch AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY an industry that prepares and processes raw materials so that other companies or consumers can use them examples – Froberg’s Farm, Aramco Oil, Triton Logging Company MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY an industry that turns raw materials into products that consumers or other businesses can use examples – Billy’s Donuts, Subway, Ford Motor Company WHOLESALE/RETAIL INDUSTRY an industry that moves goods from the manufacturer to the consumer examples – Target, First Colony Mall, HEB SERVICE INDUSTRY an industry that provides an action that can be purchased examples – Baines Middle School, a movie theater, Sky Zone, Methodist Hospital

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