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The Highwayman 2/23 and 2/24.

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1 The Highwayman 2/23 and 2/24

2 Warm up A hero is defined as “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outsting achievements, or noble qualities.” What is a hero to you? Do you know anyone who meets this definition? Who is your personal hero? Rubric Checklist: ___/10 My response answers all 3 questions ___/10 My response is at least 10 sentences. ___/10 My response demonstrates deep thought about the question

3 The Highwayman Written by Alfred Noyes
Set in England somewhere between 1760 – 1820 Soldiers were known as redcoats because of their scarlet coats they wore as a uniform. Highwaymen rode on horseback along the highways, robbing travelers; they were also called outlaws. They are often portrayed as heroes Examples are Robin Hood, Jesse James, Bonnie and Clyde

4 Question Line 1- It says, “the wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty tress.” What does this reveal about the setting? What other evidence from the text supports how the author portrays the setting of the story?


6 Question Line 13 – based on context clues, what does the world cobbles mean?

7 Question Line 27 – What can you infer when the highwayman tells Bess on line 27, “Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day, then look for me by the moonlight?”

8 Question What does the Highwayman promise Bess?

9 Question It is implied by the poem that Tim told the redcoats of the highwayman’s love for Bess. What is Tim’s motive, or reason for betraying Bess?

10 Question Compare the descriptions given of Tim and the Highwayman; what can you infer about each of their characters?

11 Question Line 51 – It says,”now keep good watch, and they kissed her.” What does this action reveal about the redcoats?

12 Question Lines – It says, “Her musket shattered in the moonlight, shattered her breast in the moonlight and warned him – with her death.” Who is Bess warning and why?

13 Question Line 85 – “Back he spurred like a madman, shouting a curse to the sky.” What caused the Highwayman to be so angry?

14 Question What literary device is used in the last two stanzas of the poem? How do these lines affect the plot?

15 Video Recorded by Loreena McKennitt

16 Figurative language Scavenger hunt
Locate the following figurative language in the poem. Write the line and identify. Metaphor (4) Simile (5) Alliteration (3) Onomatopoeia (2) Personification (2)

17 Figurative language Scavenger hunt
Metaphor The wind was a torrent of darkness The moon was a ghostly galleon The road was a ribbon of moonlight His eyes were hollows of madness

18 Figurative language Scavenger hunt
Simile His hair like mouldy hay Dumb as a dog Face burnt like a brand Her face was like a light Down like a dog

19 Figurative language Scavenger hunt
Alliteration Cobbles, clattered, clashed Whistled a tune to the window, who should be waiting there Blank and bare in the moonlight

20 Figurative language Scavenger hunt
Onomatopoeia Clattered and clashed Tlot, tlot

21 Figurative language Scavenger hunt
Personification Death at every window Hell at one dark window

22 Evidence retrieval In the poem, Tim is being a good citizen by turning in the robber; however, he is portrayed as a villain. Why do we sympathize with the highwayman as opposed to the good Samaritan? Evidence Line # Elaborate “And he rode with a jeweled twinkle, his pistol butts a twinke, his rapier hit a-twinkle, under the jeweled sky.” Line 10 This quote shows a positive description of the highwayman – like a shining knight. This positive description makes us want him to succeed.

23 Mastery Interpersonal Self-Expressive
The poem is written in 1st person point of view. Rewrite the poem as if Tim or Bess is speaking. Understanding Research redcoats and highwayman. Write a 1 paragraph summary of what you find for each (2 total). Does this change your perspective about the Highwayman? Interpersonal Write a letter from Tim to Bess where he pleads with her to leave the Highwayman and come to him. 4 paragraphs in a letter format. Self-Expressive Transform the poem into a comic strip OR Turn the poem into a new song or rap. Focus on the theme!

24 Closure A hero is defined as “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outsting achievements, or noble qualities.” Does the Highwayman represent a hero? Why or why not? Rubric Checklist: ___/10 My response is at least 5 sentences. ___/10 My response cites evidence from the poem.

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