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Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter

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1 Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter
Team Tribune Week 8 Name___________________#______ Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: 1. Weekly Progress Report 2. Week 7.4 and homework and other graded material. Please detach and keep. Paperwork can be returned to be recycled. 3. Please sign both the newsletter and progress report and return them with your student 4. Dibels Testing Results Take Note Fourth Grade Rocks Rock Star Term 1 Math Performance NBT.1 Students showing mastery of recognizing a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to it’s right. Caitlin Jada Hayden Tyson Gavin Charlie Brinley Jesse Lilly Kevin Grace Ariana Sidney Julie Jacob Chris I have reviewed my child’s progress report. ______________________________________________ Parent Signature Questions/Concerns:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Self Assessment Write (Y) for yes, (A) for Almost and (N) for No ____1. I can use repeated addition as a multiplication strategy ____2. I can identify the theme of a story ____3. I recognize that soil is an ecosystem and can identify some organisms that depend on soil. NBT.2 Students showing mastery of reading and writing multi-digit whole numbers using base –ten numerals, number names, and expanded form, as well as compare numbers. Conor Dreden Royce Tyson Gavin Brinley Lilly Grace Ariana Sidney Julie Jacob Chris NBT.4.1 Students showing fluency in adding multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm Caitlin Jada Conor Jamal Tyson Gavin Brooke Dreden Brinley Jesse Lilly Grace Sidney Julie Jacob Royce Chris NBT.3 Students showing mastery of rounding multi-digit whole numbers to any place. Conor Dreden Tyson Lilly Kevin Sidney Royce Jacob Chris NBT.4 .2 Students showing fluency in subtracting multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm Caitlin Jada Hayden Tyson Brooke Dreden Brinley Jesse Lilly Grace Sidney Julie Jacob Chris

2 ELA Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 9 (Extension)
Dear Family Member: This week our class will explore how the animal characters in a story can change the expected outcome of the story. Students will discuss why these kinds of books can be interesting to read. Here are some activities you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we’ll be practicing. Word Workout Words to Know: antonyms Your child will define each word, and then you will help him or her think of an antonym—a word with an opposite meaning of the word. Spelling/Phonics: digraphs: th, ch, tch, dge, sh, wh, ng, ph In this activity you will spell the words on the list, but you will spell some of them incorrectly. Your child will stop you when you have misspelled a word, and then he or she will give the correct spelling. Comprehension: theme Your child will select a favorite book and describe its theme or themes. Then your child will write a short letter to a friend that explains why this friend should read the book. The letter will include information about the theme. Vocabulary Words Spelling Words

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