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Timely Good Works Deserve Praise

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Presentation on theme: "Timely Good Works Deserve Praise"— Presentation transcript:

1 Timely Good Works Deserve Praise
Mark 14: 3-9 (Matt. 26: 6-13, Jn. 12:1-8)

2 The Setting… The Place: Bethany (Mk. 14:3)

3 The Setting… The Place: Bethany (Mk. 14:3)
The Occasion: dinner at Simon the leper’s house (Mk. 14:3)

4 The Setting… The Place: Bethany (Mk. 14:3)
The Occasion: dinner at Simon the leper’s house (Mk. 14:3) The Time: 6 days before the Passover (Jn. 12:1)

5 The Setting… The Place: Bethany (Mk. 14:3)
The Occasion: dinner at Simon the leper’s house (Mk. 14:3) The Time: 6 days before the Passover (Jn. 12:1) The Guests: Jesus, Lazarus, Martha… (Jn. 12:1-2, Mk. 14:3)

6 The “good work” Woman pours costly perfumed ointment over Jesus’ head… (Mk. 14:3)

7 The “good work” Woman pours costly perfumed ointment over Jesus’ head… (Mk. 14:3) …Over His feet also (Jn. 12:3)

8 The Strong Condemnation
Some Gathered reacted with indignation and murmuring (Mk. 14:4-5)

9 The Strong Condemnation
Some Gathered reacted with indignation and murmuring (Mk. 14:4-5) Condemnation led by Judas… (Jn. 12:4-5, 6)

10 The Strong Condemnation
Some Gathered reacted with indignation and murmuring (Mk. 14:4-5) Condemnation led by Judas… (Jn. 12:4-5, 6) What waste…it could bring about 300 shillings and the money could be given to the poor (Mk. 14:4-5)

11 Jesus’ Strong Commendation
“Let her alone” – “Why trouble her” (Mk. 14:6)

12 Jesus’ Strong Commendation
“Let her alone” – “Why trouble her” (Mk. 14:6) “she hath done a good work on me” (Mk. 14:6)

13 Jesus Commends Mary’s Timely Good Work…
“She hath done what she could” (Mk. 14: 8)

14 Jesus Commends Mary’s Timely Good Work…
“She hath done what she could” (Mk. 14: 8) Context: Timing emphasized (Mk. 14:7) Opportunity

15 Jesus Commends Mary’s Timely Good Work…
“She hath done what she could” (Mk. 14: 8) Context: Timing emphasized (Mk. 14:7) Opportunity “Anointed my body beforehand for burial” (Mk. 14:8, Matt. 26:12, Jn. 12:7)

16 Jesus Commends Mary’s Timely Good Work…
“She hath done what she could” (Mk. 14: 8) Context: Timing emphasized (Mk. 14:7) Opportunity “Anointed my body beforehand for burial” (Mk. 14:8, Matt. 26:12, Jn. 12:7) She has done timely good works before (Lk. 10:42)

17 Jesus Commends YOUR Timely Good Works…
Timely Good Works that Overcome Evil (Rom. 12:20-21)

18 Jesus Commends YOUR Timely Good Works…
Timely Good Works that Overcome Evil (Rom. 12:20-21) Timely Good Works that produce abundant thanksgiving (2 Cor 8:14, 9:12)

19 Jesus Commends YOUR Timely Good Works…
Timely Good Works that Overcome Evil (Rom. 12:20-21) Timely Good Works that produce abundant thanksgiving (2 Cor 8:14, 9:12) Timely Good Works that teach lost souls (I Pet. 3:15)

20 Jesus Commended Mary’s Timely Good Works…
He wants us to continue to honor her for her good work (Mk.14:9, Matt. 26:13)

21 Jesus Commended Mary’s Timely Good Works…
May we Learn from Jesus and Mary’s example: She did not just do what she was capable of doing… But she DID what she did at the opportune time. Jesus Commended Mary’s Timely Good Works… He wants us to continue to honor her for her good work (Mk.14:9, Matt. 26:13)

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