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Camp CSI Tracy Press Article

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Presentation on theme: "Camp CSI Tracy Press Article"— Presentation transcript:

1 Camp CSI Tracy Press Article
Danielle Grimes, a “homicide” victim, is wheeled away by Vikrem Pal (left) and Abdullah Muznibi

2 “Murder suspect” Michael Allen appears in the court hearing

3 Michael Allen strangles Danielle Grimes to start the “homicide” and
Michael Allen strangles Danielle Grimes to start the “homicide” and investigation process at the crime-scene.

4 Randy Luiz looks over the crime scene.

5 “Murder suspect” Michael Allen (right) is taken into custody by Anthony Eccleston (left).

6 The “Faces” Composite sketch program, used to recreate the criminals face

7 Prisoners move through the camp’s jail.

8 “Murder suspect” Michael Allen waits behind bars for his trial.


10 Nakuya Douglas (left) and Eshaq Muznibi lead a chemical analysis station. (left)
Frieler School’s Dominic Buriani (left) and Tricia Zelmer don special glasses at a station to look at light sources. (Right)

11 Allister de Guzman plays the role of a crime scene technician gathering evidence from the “murder scene”


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