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San Joaquin Delta College

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1 San Joaquin Delta College
Academic Dishonesty J.P. Wall San Joaquin Delta College


3 Academic Dishonesty consists mainly of: Plagiarism Cheating

4 Plagiarism.


6 When you plagiarize, you are both a liar…

7 …and a thief.

8 You’re a thief because you have stolen another person’s material.

9 You’re a liar because you have claimed it to be your own.

10 2. Cheating

11 Copying answers or information (or allowing others to do so)
Cheating includes: Copying answers or information (or allowing others to do so)

12 Assuming another person’s identity (or allowing someone to do so)

13 Using unauthorizeddevices

14 There are usually penalties for academic dishonesty, sometimes quite severe.

15 Dr. Wall’s students receive fair warning on their syllabus:



18 How academic dishonesty is typically
handled in the SJDC English Department: Level 1 (ENG 78) Level 2 (ENG 79) Level 3 (ENG 1A) Post-Level 3 (ENG 1B, ENG 1D)

19 Level 1: English 78 A-B



22 Level 2: English 79

23 Level 2 students usually have an imperfect understanding of academic dishonesty.


25 Most common penalty in Level 2:
Failing grade on assignment Warning

26 Level 3: English 1A

27 ENG 1A is a research course.
Students must demonstrate mastery in handling sources.

28 Most common penalty for dishonesty:
Failing grade on assignment Failing grade in class

29 Post-Level 3: English 1B / 1D

30 Professors are not expected to teach research and documentation methods.

31 By ENG 1B, students know when they’re being dishonest.

32 Faculty members identifying cases of academic dishonesty may enter a failing grade for the assignment or exercise in question, enter a failing grade for the entire course after the last date to drop the class, impose other penalties in terms of grade, additional coursework, or other exercises, or refer the matter to the Vice President of Student Services with a recommendation for further action, including the possibility of suspension from the college.

33 Going further than community college? It gets worse.


35 If you embarrass your alma mater, your university can TAKE BACK your degree.

36 So…..WHAT?

37 I’ll do my part by providing clear instructions on assignments.

38 I’ll also do my best to reduce the temptation to be dishonest.
The rest is up to you.

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