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Chapter 1 Section 3 The Constitution.

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1 Chapter 1 Section 3 The Constitution

2 A. Problems with the Articles of Confederation 1783-1789
No Executive- who is in charge? No revenue- government cannot tax the people Had to rely on donations from the people for income Representative unbalanced


4 Shays rebellion Weaknesses demonstrated by Shay’s Rebellion
Farmers shut down courts Massachusetts troopers had to be sent to suppress the revolt

5 1787 Constitutional Convention
James Madison Virginia Plan- large republic would be more stable Bicameral legislature President to command armed forces New Jersey Plan Congress can regulate commerce and taxes Unicameral legislature representing all states as equals Stay a loose confederation

6 1787 Constitutional Convention
Write new constitution-not revise old 12 states Ratification by ¾’s 9 of the 13 states needed to ratify


8 C. Major Concepts Federalism Separation of powers-Montesquieu
Dividing power between state and federal government Separation of powers-Montesquieu Checks and Balances


10 D. A Bundle of Compromises
The Great Compromise Senate: Two per State House: by Population The 3/5’s Compromise An enslaved person counted as 3/5ths toward total population The Final Compromise-a Bill of Rights


12 E. Struggle for Ratification
Federalists v Anti-Federalists The Federalist Papers Hamilton#51 Madison #10 Jay A Bill of Rights seals the deal


14 F. The Bill of Rights

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