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Calculations with Lists

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1 Calculations with Lists
Using the TI-83+ Calculations with Lists

2 Mean, median, etc. Once you have entered data in a list, you may want to perform calculations on that data. One quick way to get several calculations at once can be found by pressing the “STAT” key and then pressing the right arrow to go to the “CALC” heading.

3 1-Var Stats The first option in the “CALC” menu is “1-Var Stats”. Press enter on this option. The calculator will write that command in the home screen. It is waiting for you to tell it which list to perform this task on. Press the 2nd key and the number of the list you want (2nd and 1 will write L1, for example). Press enter.

4 Here’s what you get (in order of appearance)
The mean. The sum of each number in the list. The sum of the square of each number in the list (not used often). The standard deviation of the numbers in the list. A different standard deviation calculation (not used often).

5 Here’s what you get (in order of appearance)
The number of items in the list. The smallest number in the list. The value for the first quartile. The median number in the list. The value for the third quartile. The largest number in the list.

6 Don’t need all that? Press the 2nd button and the “STAT” key. You should get a screen that says “NAMES”, “OPS”, “MATH” at the top. Press the right cursor twice to get to the “MATH” heading. In this menu are some of the individual items in “1-Var Stats.” Select the item you want and press enter. With each of these commands, you have to press “2nd” and the list number, then close off the parentheses and press enter again. DONE

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