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Provincial Reconstruction Team Lessons-Learned Project

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1 Provincial Reconstruction Team Lessons-Learned Project
Center for Complex Operations National Defense University Fort Lesley J. McNair, DC 31 March 2010

2 Overview An integrated, interagency civilian-military effort to capture and institutionalize Lessons Learned and Best Practices from Afghanistan and Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs). Conducted through a partnership developed by the interagency Reconstruction and Stabilization Best Practices Working Group (R&S BPWG). Builds upon previous collection initiatives and studies about PRTs, seeks to identify lessons: with immediate operational and tactical relevance, as well as those which can inform future reconstruction and stabilization operations. Intended to inform the establishment of a standing interagency lessons-learned capacity at the Center for Complex Operations (CCO)’s Lessons Learned Hub and is intended to last for the duration of the Afghanistan and Iraq PRT programs.

3 Key Aspects Methodology:
Interview questions and survey methodology for Afghan and Iraq PRTs developed collaboratively by representatives of all partner Agencies Interviews Civilian USG personnel interviewed in-person primarily through CCO partners Military personnel interviewed in accordance with owning Service LL process Questionnaire On-line Distributed through multiple means – military and civilian USG Analysis will be conducted by an interagency analysis team Agencies or their respective components may issue their own products which describe their specific lessons learned, when appropriate and as desired

4 Working Group Composition
Co-chairs Best Practices and Lessons Learned Working Group: S/CRS OSD/PS&SO USAID CALL CCO FSI JCOA Joint Staff/J-5/Afghanistan Joint Staff/J-5/Iraq Joint Staff/J-5/SOD Joint Staff/J-7/JETD NLLP OSD/Afghanistan OSD/Iraq OSD/PS&SO PKSOI S/CRS State/Afghanistan State/Iraq USAF/A9L USAID/Afghanistan USAID/Iraq USDA USDOJ USDOC USIP

5 Center for Complex Operations BEST PRACTICES INDEX 16 Categories
Civ-Mil Relations Communication Continuity of Effort Coordination Funding Local Community Logistics Management Mission Personnel Planning Relations with Coalition Actors Relations with Embassy Relations with NGOs Training

6 Best Practices Index (Iraq)

7 Best Practices Index Index identifies over 300 best practices: actions that PRT members have employed to overcome situation-specific obstacles and achieve a desired outcome. Not intended as “one size fits all” solutions or doctrines. What works in one place and time may not work in another place and time. Actions that have been effective in the past for PRT members. Deployed personnel must use their own discretion to determine whether such actions would be useful in their particular circumstances.

8 Center for Complex Operations OBSERVATIONS INDEX 17 Categories and 44 Sub-categories
Civ-Mil Relations Mission Relations with Embassy/ISAF Local Community Personnel Relations with Coalition Intra-PRT Relations Infrastructure Continuity of Effort Funding Training Metrics Logistics Support Relations with Other Actors Corruption Planning

9 Categories and Sub-Categories

10 Categories and Sub-Categories

11 Observation Index Sub-Categories

12 Observations Index Categorizes over 700 observations by PRT- affiliated personnel.

13 Preliminary Survey Results Iraq and Afghanistan
Iraq Afghanistan 49 took survey took survey 38 completed completed 77.6% rate of completion % rate of completion Distribution Ongoing Data Reflects Period Jan. 1 – Mar. 5, 2010

14 Majority of Iraq Respondents From Department of State

15 All Afghanistan Respondents from Department of Defense

16 MISSION OBSERVATIONS Operational Guidance Iraq Afghanistan

17 Civ-Mil Mission Coordination
MISSION OBSERVATIONS Civ-Mil Mission Coordination Iraq Afghanistan

18 Understanding of Mission
MISSION OBSERVATIONS Understanding of Mission Iraq Afghanistan

19 View of Mission Success
MISSION OBSERVATIONS View of Mission Success Iraq Afghanistan

20 MISSION OBSERVATIONS In Iraq, majority cited management, security and the ad-hoc structure of PRTs as the greatest obstacles to achieving their mission.

21 MISSION OBSERVATIONS In Afghanistan, majority cited PRT staff training, attitude and motivation as the greatest obstacles to achieving their mission.

Local Buy-In Iraq Afghanistan

International Organizations Iraq Afghanistan

Relations with NGOs Iraq Afghanistan



27 Way Ahead Interagency Working Group analysis
Dissemination to military DOTMLPF activities and Civilian equivalents Expansion beyond PRT activities Directed research / collection

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