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Folk and Popular Culture

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1 Folk and Popular Culture
Chapter 4

2 Definition Culture is, simply, the way of life shared by a group of people. Humans all over the Earth need the same basic things. We need food, water, shelter, and clothing to survive. Besides these basic needs, other aspects of culture include technology, art, dance, music, religion, and language.

3 A group of belief systems, norms and values practiced by a people
Recognized in 1 of 2 ways basically it is the way of life of a group of people (their collection of customs)

4 Where do you get your culture?
Culture is something that we learn from the people who live with and near us our mothers and fathers, grandparents, other members of our families, our friends, the people with whom we go to school, our teachers, and our neighbors Culture is passed down through each successive generation.

5 Important Terminology
Folk Culture – traditionally practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation. Popular Culture – found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite differences in personal characteristics. Material Culture – the physical objects produced by a culture in order to meet its material needs: food, clothing, shelter, arts, and recreation. Carl Sauer (Berkeley, 1930s – 1970s).

6 Folk v. Pop culture Folk POP Origins Diffusion Distribution Origins
Hearths of folk culture may be anonymous and multiple ex. Folk music and agricultural connections in Vietnam Diffusion Diffuses more slowly and on a smaller scale Primarily through migration/relocation diffusion Also through word of mouth (orally) Ex - Amish Distribution tends to be more isolated and rural Origins Hearths of popular culture tend to be located in MDCs ex. Popular music and production for sale to mass audience (hip hop music, fast food/McDonalds) Diffusion Diffuses faster and to more places Pattern of hierarchical diffusion from node on down Spreads through modern communications and transportation EX – Organized Sports/Soccer Distribution Practiced by more people over a larger portion of the Earth’s surface

7 Hearth The region from where something originates.

Music Folk Pop Tin Pan Alley Too Much Mustard Music School History & importance of Tin Pan Alley: China Emperor Huang Ti Sounds of the Phoenix Bird Peter, Paul & Mary Bob Dylan DMB

9 Evolution of music and dance

10 Culture Includes: Religion * Art Government * Literature
Language *Food History *Economy Music *Music How you get your life “done”.

11 Examples of Folk culture
The Amish Life style Amish Simple Life

12 The Amish SCTdnrhk

13 Soccer NvHXDYjg

14 How is popular culture diffused?
Pop culture quizzes! 2012/pop-culture-quiz.html#quest1

15 CULTURAL DIFFUSION So how do cultures spread?
15 So how do cultures spread? How would a folk song about agriculture in Southeast Asia spread/diffuse? How would Justin Timberlake’s music spread/diffuse?

16 DEFINITION: 16 Cultural Diffusion: the spreading of a cultural trait (material object, idea, or behavior pattern) from one society to another Diffusion can also be viewed as a cultural ‘exchange’ Relocation diffusion Expansion Diffusion Hierarchial Contagious Stimulus Maps, TV, internet, social media Developing countries…access to electronic media





21 When cultures don’t diffuse
21 Cultural Barriers: When cultures don’t diffuse What are things that will stop or don’t allow a culture to spread?

22 Cultural Barriers physical barriers (mountains, rivers, oceans, vegetation) fear (Great Wall of China) Lack of understanding/knowledge, fear

23 Examples of elements of Culture that have been ‘diffused’ or spread to and then incorporated into our current culture: Food Sports Religion Entertainment Music Language Clothing Architecture

Folk food habits derive from the environment (why? – people eat mostly plants and animals) People adapt their diets based on their environment ex. abundant wood supply leads to slow stewing in NE) - know terroir (p. 118)

25 Traditional Vegetable Garden, Istanbul
Fig The bostan, or traditional vegetable garden, provides fresh vegetables in a large city such as Istanbul


27 Food habits are also affected by cultural traditions….
Different groups with different traditions will have unique diets that are not solely a result of the environment (soups in Transylvania, seating patterns at tables…) Food attractions and taboos will also play a major role in diet

28 Food Taboos/ diffused Your examples
cultural taboos with food around the world:

29 Food Attractions & Taboos
Some foods are eaten based on appearance or qualities (real or perceived) Abipone Indians eat jaguars and bulls to make them strong, brave, and swift Some foods are avoided due to negative forces, characteristics, or associations a group in Japan avoid eating otters because they are believed to be forgetful animals and consuming them could cause a loss of memory. - Muslims don’t eat pork - Hindus don’t eat cows because the holy cow is a symbol of wealth, strength, abundance, selfless giving and a full earthly life. - Mbum Kpau women in Chad avoid goats and chicken before getting pregnant, thought to prevent abnormalities. In their baby.

30 Would you eat this? MAwhkURs&safety _mode=true&persis t_safety_mode=1& safe=active

31 Hog Production & Food Cultures
Annual hog production is influenced by religious taboos against pork consumption in Islam and other religions. The highest production is in China, which is largely Buddhist.

32 Folk Ukraine egg painting abROZGQ

33 Traditional Irish Dress

34 Cultural Sports

35 HAKA The Haka is a traditional Maori dance from New Zealand.
Thousands of Haka that are performed by various tribes and cultural groups throughout New Zealand. The best known Haka of them all is called "Ka Mate". It has been performed by countless New Zealand teams both locally and internationally. Normally performed immediately prior to the event that is to take place: e.g. sports matches, conferences, VIP functions,etc.

36 HAKA haka

37 Jai alai

38 Let's watch

39 Homes/Bedrooms & Culture
4/where-children- sleep/?_r=0&mtrref=undefined&gwh=FB E89B4B93EEAFB81DAA3EC66B0A01F B&gwt=pay

40 Other examples of cultural diffusion (architecture)





45 Food! olives from Greece 45

46 Sushi 46

47 47

48 48

49 CLOTHING can define a culture



52 Things to think about (and know)
Cultural landscape Uniform landscape Environmental effects from Pop culture? From folk culture? Globalization and its effects on culture ( and gender!)

53 REVIEW HELP: Chapter 4 9640 chapter-4-folk-popular-culture-flash-cards/ issue-2-why-is-folk-culture-clustered/ rubenstein-chapter-4-folk-culture-flash-cards/

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