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America Enters WWI.

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Presentation on theme: "America Enters WWI."— Presentation transcript:

1 America Enters WWI

2 M A N I Causes of World War I
ilitarism – policy of building up strong military forces to prepare for war lliances - agreements between nations to aid and protect one another ationalism – pride in or devotion to one’s country mperialism – when one country takes over another country economically and politically ssassination – murder of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (SOCIAL DARWINISM)

3 Militarism Germany Deadliest collection of guns in the world
World’s 2nd largest navy

4 Alliances Triple Entente: Triple Alliance: Great Britain Germany
Austria-Hungary France Russia Italy

5 Assassination Serbs believed Bosnia belonged to them
Gavrilo Princip killed Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand

6 Assassination

7 A-H declared war on Serbia
Russia helped Serbia Germany helped A-H France declared war on Germany Germany declared war on Belgium to invade France Great Britain declared war on Germany

8 W I Allied Powers: Central Powers: Great Britain Germany France
Austria-Hungary W I Serbia Ottoman Empire Russia Bulgaria Italy

9 1914 - Stalemate Superior DEFENSIVE weaponry
Machine Gun (600 rounds/min.) British Machine Gun Crew

10 Trench Warfare Western Front

11 British Trench: Battle of the Somme French Trench

12 British Trench – Top Left
German Trench – Bottom Right Trench Foot

13 Tanks Slow Hard to maneuver French Renault Tank British Tank at Ypres

14 Planes Reconnaissance Poison Gas

15 Submarines German Flamethrower 60 feet

16 Battles at Verdun and Somme River (10 months)
1 million dead 1 million casualties Britain – 60,000 casualties first day Allies gained 5 miles

17 U.S  Isolationism Long ties to Allies BUT…
33% of Americans foreign born Many immigrants from Germany and Austria-Hungary Irish Am. dislike British Jewish Am. dislike Russia

18 Lusitania – May 1915 1200 killed (128 Americans) Germany’s defense
Contraband Sussex – 1916 Sussex Pledge – no sinking of ships w/o warning and saving lives 1917 – Germans broke pledge

19 Zimmerman Note – Jan. 1917 Proposed alliance between Germ. and Mex. against US Return Texas, Arizona, New Mex.

20 April 6, 1917 US declared war on Germany National Defense Act
Expand Army Naval Construction Act More warships


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