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ATS Tricia Odell UCET: Advanced Teacher/Trainer status 19 May 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "ATS Tricia Odell UCET: Advanced Teacher/Trainer status 19 May 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATS Tricia Odell UCET: Advanced Teacher/Trainer status 19 May 2017

2 Have an opportunity to provide some feedback on the proposed:
Aim of the workshop To provide an overview of the background and proposed shape of Advanced Teacher/Trainer Status (ATS) Have an opportunity to provide some feedback on the proposed: ATS entry and exit criteria ATS assessment criteria and evidence that will be required to achieve ATS Education & Training Foundation

3 Background to the development of an advanced teacher/trainer status
Key recommendation from the QTLS Structural Review (July – November 2015) For SET to develop an ATS that will provide: a progression route from QTLS an alternative route to SET Fellowship SET to work in partnership with the College of Teaching to ensure that ATS is aligned and will have parity with the Chartered Teacher Status that is being developed for advanced teachers working in schools Education & Training Foundation

4 Purpose of the status To enable experienced teachers/trainers working in the FE & Skills sector to gain national recognition of their advanced practitioner skills. ATS applicants will: show how they consistently achieve high quality outcomes with their learners through advanced pedagogical skills and deep knowledge share their advanced pedagogical skills and subject specialist knowledge with others, showing how this collaboration impacts on the organisation’s quality improvement strategy promote effective curriculum or teaching and learning leadership skills Education & Training Foundation

5 Teachers/trainers who have held QTLS for 3 years
ATS Audience Teachers/trainers who have held QTLS for 3 years Those whose role involves sharing their pedagogical/subject expertise through networking or coaching/mentoring others in their organisation Those with high level technical and professional experience and/or academic knowledge of their subject Curriculum managers with a significant teaching or staff development role Aspiring senior managers Senior instructors, trainers and assessors/those supporting apprenticeship programmes Education & Training Foundation

6 ATS structure and evidence requirements
ATS will represent a step up from QTLS: QTLS is focused on developing practice and the impact of this development on learners ATS is focused on developing practice and subject/occupational knowledge in order to support others, working collaboratively with peers, sharing effective practice and demonstrating the impact on learners across an organisation. Timeframe: minimum of one academic year Education & Training Foundation

7 ATS structure and evidence requirements
1. Agree aims and objectives with mentor 2. Professional development plan 3. CPD record 4. Critical reflection 5. Final action plan Education & Training Foundation

8 ATS structure and evidence requirements
One route to ATS 10 core professional standards, that will enable them to demonstrate high level: Pedagogical skills Subject specialist knowledge Action research skills Skills in collaborating with others to bring about quality improvement. Education & Training Foundation

9 Sources informing the development of aTS
2014 professional standards Criteria for performance of the standards developed by University of Huddersfield/A Armitage College of Teaching Professional Teaching Principles and Outcomes Level 7 assessment criteria Ofsted and Ofqual criteria and reports ETF Reports including ‘Teach Too’ Relevant educational research including Hattie (2013), Ayres (2004), Coe (2014), Petty (2009), Harper (2013) Education & Training Foundation

10 Mandatory evidence for ATS
A reflective diary Personal Development Plan and Action Plan Critical reflection on how applicants have raised their pedagogical, subject specialist knowledge, how they have contributed to organisational quality improvement Types of evidence will include: Professional reading list Valid action research Case studies Feedback from managers, colleagues Letters of recommendation Education & Training Foundation

11 Hold first steering group meeting: 5.6.17
Next steps Hold first steering group meeting: Complete critical review of assessment criteria and evidence requirements by Recruit first cohort of applicants by Design and develop a detailed framework in the form of a workbook to enable applicants to present their evidence as set out in the final ATS paper by Develop supporting information for applicants and mentors by Issue first cohort with workbooks – Recruit and train ATS reviewers – Review applications of first cohort – Release results to first cohort w/c Education & Training Foundation

12 Reflect on the entry and exit criteria
QUESTIONS Reflect on the entry and exit criteria Are these about right/unrealistic? What barriers might they present? Or Reflect on the assessment criteria and evidence requirements Looking at the descriptors in columns 3 and 4, do you think they equate to Masters level? What barriers might applicants face in producing the required evidence in column 4? Education & Training Foundation

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