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Published byChristopher Morrison Modified over 6 years ago
Discovery and measurement of leptonic CP violation using an intensive neutrino Super Beam generated with the exceptionally powerful ESS linear accelerator Design Study CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Which H2020 call? H2020-INFRADEV-2014/2015
Conceptual and technical design of new research infrastructures, which are of a clear European dimension and interest, through a bottom-up approach (deadline and budget 2014); Preparatory phases of ESFRI projects, through a targeted approach (deadline and budget 2015); Individual implementation and operation of prioritised ESFRI projects (notably ERICs), through a targeted approach (deadline and budget 2015); Implementation and operation of cross-cutting infrastructure services and solutions for clusters of ESFRI and other world class research infrastructures (deadline 2014 and budget ). CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Developing New World-Class research Infrastructures (H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1)
CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 Design Studies
Type of action: RIA (Research Infrastructure Activities) Specific challenge: New leading-edge research infrastructures in order to remain at the forefront of the advancement of research The aim of this activity is to support the conceptual and technical design and preparatory actions for new research infrastructures, which are of a clear European dimension and interest. Major upgrades of existing infrastructures may also be considered if the end result is intended to be equivalent to, or capable of replacing, an existing infrastructure. Scope: Design studies should address all key questions concerning the technical, legal and financial feasibility, leading to a CDR showing the maturity of the concept and forming the basis for identifying and constructing the next generation of Europe's and the world's leading research infrastructures. CDRs will present major choices for design alternatives and associated cost ranges. CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
H2020-INFRADEV Scope: The activities that could be performed in a Design Study proposal include: Scientific and technical work, i.e.: the drafting of concepts and engineering plans for the construction, creation of final prototypes for key enabling technologies; scientific and technical work to ensure that the beneficiary scientific communities exploit the new facility from the start with the highest efficiency. Strategic work, i.e.: plans to integrate harmoniously the new infrastructure into the European fabric of related facilities; the identification of the best possible site(s) for setting up new facilities; the estimated budget for construction and operation; the design of a workable legal (e.g. an ERIC) and governance structure; the planning of research services to be provided at international level. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 Expected impact:
Funding bodies for research infrastructures become aware of the strategic and funding needs of the scientific community. Policy bodies at the national level (e.g. funding bodies, governments), at European level (e.g. ESFRI) and internationally (e.g. the Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development's Global Science Forum) have a sound decision basis to establish long-range plans and roadmaps for new research infrastructures of pan- European or global interest. The technical work carried out under this topic will contribute to strengthening the technological development capacity and effectiveness as well as the scientific performance, efficiency and attractiveness of the European Research Area. Eligibility conditions: At least three legal entities. Each of the three shall be established in a different Member State or associated country. All three legal entities shall be independent of each other. Funding rate: up to 100% CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 Evaluation
CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Document Structure Title of Proposal List of participants
List of participants CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Document Structure Excellence 1.1 Objectives
Describe the specific objectives for the project, which should be clear, measurable, realistic and achievable within the duration of the project. Objectives should be consistent with the expected exploitation and impact of the project. 1.2 Relation to the work programme Indicate the work programme topic to which your proposal relates, and explain how your proposal addresses the specific challenge and scope of that topic, as set out in the work programme. 1.3 Concept and approach Describe and explain the overall concept underpinning the project. Describe the main ideas, models or assumptions involved. Identify any trans-disciplinary considerations; Describe the positioning of the project e.g. where it is situated in the spectrum from ‘idea to application’, or from ‘lab to market’. Refer to Technology Readiness Levels where relevant. Describe any national or international research and innovation activities which will be linked with the project, especially where the outputs from these will feed into the project; Describe and explain the overall approach and methodology, distinguishing, as appropriate, activities indicated in the relevant section of the work programme, e.g. for research, demonstration, piloting, first market replication, etc; Where relevant, describe how sex and/or gender analysis is taken into account in the project’s content. 1.4 Ambition Describe the advance your proposal would provide beyond the state-of-the-art, and the extent the proposed work is ambitious. Your answer could refer to the ground-breaking nature of the objectives, concepts involved, issues and problems to be addressed, and approaches and methods to be used. Describe the innovation potential which the proposal represents. Where relevant, refer to products and services already available on the market. Please refer to the results of any patent search carried out. CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Document Structure Impact
How will this data be exploited and/or shared/made accessible for verification and re-use? If data cannot be made available, explain why. How will this data be curated and preserved? Outline the strategy for knowledge management and protection. Include measures to provide open access (free on- line access, such as the ‘green’ or ‘gold’ model) to peer-reviewed scientific publications which might result from the project. Communication activities Describe the proposed communication measures for promoting the project and its findings during the period of the grant. Measures should be proportionate to the scale of the project, with clear objectives. They should be tailored to the needs of various audiences, including groups beyond the project's own community. Where relevant, include measures for public/societal engagement on issues related to the project. 3. Implementation 3.1 Work plan — Work packages, deliverables and milestones brief presentation of the overall structure of the work plan; timing of the different work packages and their components (Gantt chart or similar); detailed work description, i.e.: a description of each work package (table 3.1a); a list of work packages (table 3.1b); a list of major deliverables (table 3.1c); graphical presentation of the components showing how they inter-relate (Pert chart or similar). CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Document Structure 3.2 Management structure and procedures
Describe the organisational structure and the decision-making ( including a list of milestones (table 3.2a)) Explain why the organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms are appropriate to the complexity and scale of the project. Describe, where relevant, how effective innovation management will be addressed in the management structure and work plan. Describe any critical risks, relating to project implementation, that the stated project's objectives may not be achieved. Detail any risk mitigation measures. Please provide a table with critical risks identified and mitigating actions (table 3.2b) 3.3 Consortium as a whole Describe the consortium. How will it match the project’s objectives? How do the members complement one another (and cover the value chain, where appropriate)? In what way does each of them contribute to the project? How will they be able to work effectively together? If applicable, describe the industrial/commercial involvement in the project to ensure exploitation of the results and explain why this is consistent with and will help to achieve the specific measures which are proposed for exploitation of the results of the project (see section 2.3). 3.4 Resources to be committed a table showing number of person/months required (table 3.4a) a table showing ‘other direct costs’ (table 3.4b) for participants where those costs exceed 15% of the personnel costs (according to the budget table in section 3 of the administrative proposal forms) CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Participants Section 4: Members of the consortium
4.1. Participants (applicants) a description of the legal entity and its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal; a curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons, including their gender, who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities; a list of up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services (including widely-used datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the call content; a list of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal; a description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, relevant to the proposed work; [any other supporting documents specified in the work programme for this call.] 4.2. Third parties involved in the project (including use of third party resources) CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Tables CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Tables CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Tables CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
ESSnuSB ESSnuSB CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
ESSnuSB Title of Proposal: Discovery and measurement of leptonic CP violation using an intensive neutrino Super Beam generated with the exceptionally powerful ESS linear accelerator Duration: 3 years List of participants CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
WP Description WP1: Management General management and dissemination
Preparatory actions, with scientific communities, ESS, CERN and Swedish government CDR, cost and safety WP2: Linac H- source and Linac Beam-Line modifications RF Power and Cooling upgrade Energy Upgrade WP3: Accumulator Accumulator and transfer lines design Injection stripping of H- Layout and civil engineering of accumulator WP4: Target Station Target/collector Station Design and civil engineering layout Target Horn collector and alternatives WP5: Detector and Physics Performance Far and Near Detector; cross-section measurements Performance for CPV as primary project goal Performance for additional goals: MH, Proton lifetime, and cosmological neutrinos WP6: Detector Site Underground site location, access and test measurements Cavern shape, excavation, reinforcement and services infrastructures Relation to the Garpeneberg Mining Company and its concurrent mining activity CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Recommendations from outside
Main effort on new items compared to those already studied in previous Design Studies: WP2 and WP3 WP4 from EUROν WP5 from LAGUNA-LBNO and EUROν WP6 from LAGUNA-LBNO Do not exceed 2 M€! Difficult to produce a complete CDR under these conditions WP2: 2 postdocs WP3: 1-2 postdocs WP4: 0-1 postdoc WP5: only traveling money WP6: only traveling money traveling: ~2 k€/pers/year. limited budget for mine subcontracting CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Total Cost (very preliminary)
All participants Cost Category Months Total 1-12 13-24 25-36 (36 months) Direct Costs: Personnel: Senior Staff 746989 784155 634953 54.8% Post docs 174121 331307 157186 662614 16.8% Students 0.0% Other Total Personnel: 921110 792139 71.6% Other Direct Costs: Equipment Consumables Travel 100000 300000 7.6% Publications, etc 2500 3000 8500 0.2% Total Other Direct Costs: 102500 103000 308500 7.8% Total Direct Costs: 895139 79.4% Indirect Costs (overheads): Max 25% of Direct Costs 255902 304616 223785 784303 19.8% Subcontracting Costs: (No overheads) 10000 30000 0.8% Total Costs of project: (by year and total) 100.0% Requested Grant: 559608 766180 510063 46.5% CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Cost/WP (very preliminary)
detectors physics det. site Tot manpower Cost Category Months WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 Total % Direct Costs: Personnel: Senior Staff 18 45 50 94 26 29 7 268 73.6% Post docs 48 96 26.4% Students 0.0% Other Total Personnel: 93 98 364 100.0% Fraction 5.0% 25.5% 27.0% 25.7% 7.0% 7.8% 2.0% Euros 182654 383104 537126 571562 181203 236741 73708 76.6% 282614 380000 662614 23.4% 665718 917126 6.5% 23.5% 32.4% 20.2% 6.4% 8.4% 2.6% CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Design Study Structure (preliminary)
CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Design Study Structure (preliminary)
WP1: management WP2: Linac (ESS, Uppsala, CERN) Power upgrade Cooling upgrade H- source WP3: Accumulator (ESS, CERN, Uppsala, Strasbourg) Design Transfer lines Switchyard Stripping WP4: Target Station (RAL, Cracow, Strasbourg, Uppsala) Target Collector Decay Tunnel WP5: Detectors (Uppsala, Sofia, Strasbourg, Lund) Underground site Far detector Near detector WP6: Physics Performance (KTH, Madrid, Lund, Durham) CP violation Mass Hierarchy Astroparticles Proton lifetime CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Deliverables (preliminary)
WP # deliverables milestones title timing resources [pm] 2 D2.1 H- source and impact of H- acceleration on the ESS 4 M2.1.1 H- source design 1 M2.1.2 Integration in the ESS (optics and hardware) M2.2.2 Beam losses and activation D2.2 Upgrade of the ESS RF system M2.2.1 Conceptual design of the ESS RF upgrade Integration in the existing system M2.2.3 Performance for protons and H- M2.2.4 powering and cooling schemes 3 D3.1 Accumulator and transfer lines conceptual design M3.1.1 Accumulator layout and optics M3.1.2 Transfer lines layout and optics M3.1.3 Space charge and beam dynamics D3.2 Charge exchange injection, extraction and activation aspects M3.2.1 Injection system design M3.2.2 injection efficiency, control of losses and activation M3.2.3 Extraction D4.x Innovative hadron collector R&D results M12 M4.x.1 paraxial optics solutions: focusing and charge separation M6 M4.x.2 minimization of the aberrations for large divergences M9 M4.x.3 Solenoid and separation design M10 M4.x.4 Heat deposition and shields D4.1 Target for ESS power M4.1.1 Is packed bed target suitable for ESSnuSB? M4.1.2 Target cooling M4.1.3 Target integration M30 D4.2 Horn and pulse generator M4.2.1 Design of the horn M4.2.2 Requirements for pulse generator according to the beam ferequency M4.2.3 Design of the pulse generator 6 M4.2.4 Cooling system M24 D4.3 Target Station Layout M4.3.1 Design of the target station/tunnel/beam dump 5 D5.1 Near detector M5.1.1 Requirements M5.1.2 Design M5.1.3 Final performance D5.2 Far detector M5.2.1 Final design of MEMPHYS detector D5.3 Physics Performance M5.3.1 Physics Performance according to initial parameters M5.3.2 Physics Performance after optimizations M5.3.3 Final Physics Performance D6.1 Far detector site M6.1 Garpenberg site general evaluation M6.2 Zinkgruvan site general evaluation M18 M6.3 M6.4 D1.1 Parameters M1.1.1 List of initial parameters for all tasks M1.1.2 Optimized parameters M1.1.3 Final parameters D1.2 Baseline M1.2.1 Final baseline for far detector M1.2.2 Final baseline for near detector D1.3 Cost M1.3.1 Cost of the whole facility D1.4 Safety M1.3.2 Safety report CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
To be provided by all participants
linac accumulator target st detectors physics det. site months/pers/year/WP this is not just your salary CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
Form A: Budget/participant
CERN May 2014 M. Dracos
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